Eventually, Something Has to Give

The Smallest Gift Could Mean The Biggest Thing.

“Thank you for your help today, sweetie.” She grinned wrapping her arms around me.
“You’re welcome.” I smiled softly.

I stepped away gently from Auntie Rhonda and picked up the box that sat on the counter. It was little heavy but not enough that I couldn’t handle carrying it. Rhonda ran around to open the door for me. Smiling, I nodded my head in thanks and slipped out the door onto the footpath. My auntie waved at me and walked back into her busy shop.

Turning on my heels I started walking down the path towards the town park that wasn’t that far away from the cafe. I bit down on my lip as I walked very carefully trying to see over the box in my arms. If I knew Jared had ordered this much food I would have asked him to come and get it – but then again it was everyone’s lunch and I would be sitting with six guys, so ordering this much food made sense.

Now that I think of it, I hope I get something that more than a crumb.

As I got to the end of the street I stopped at the walk crossing and looked around to see if anyone was coming. From the left was a small red car and for a moment I thought they would be like most other divers in the town and not stop, but then they surprised me by stopping at the crossing, waving as to say I could walk across.

I checked the other way to find it clear. I smiled at the person in the red car as I passed them. They waved at me again and when I was back on the footpath they continued driving. I quickly adjusted the box on my arms and walked onto the grass of the park.

Stepping carefully I looked around for the guys. After a moment I found them sitting by the trees on the other side of the playground. When I was five meters away from them, they started chanting loudly that the food was finally here. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Can I say they are typical males?

Suddenly John appeared in front of me and took the box off my hands. He looked a little shocked about the weight of it when I let it go, but chuckled walking off and then placed it in the middle of the group, letting Kennedy and Jared open it.

“Thanks John.”
“No worries!”

I smiled slightly and moved shyly over to Tanner, Pat and Garrett. Pat grinned up at me and scooted over so I had room to sit between him and Garrett. I smiled at him and slid down to the ground. Like normal I wanted to move closer to Garrett, but I didn’t want to rude to Pat. He did move for me to be able to sit here after all...plus he’s harmless. He’s like a puppy; the most he could do was lick your foot off.

“Was it busy at the cafe this morning?” Pat asked his voice light.
“A little, mostly around ten, that’s when most people come in for morning tea.”
“I’m guessing the afternoon and lunch gets really busy.”
“It does, you’d be amazed at how busy it does get.”

Pat nodded, but then his attention shifted above my head. He laughed making me confused. Suddenly I felt something on top of my head. I yelped lightly before ducking my head down, away from whatever it was. Garrett laughed making me spin around to face him.

I blinked surprised when I saw a cute little stuffed tiger in his hands. He lifted it up and made it bonk its nose against mine. I screw up my nose a little which is what I guess he laughed at. He lent forward and placed the toy in my lap. I looked up at Garrett confused.

“I found it in my wardrobe the other day, I won it years ago at a show and I was going to give it to one of my little cousins but then I found out she hated cats.” He chuckled. “So a little bleach blond birdie told me you like tigers.” He smiled.

Shocked I shifted my gaze over to said ‘bleach blond birdie’ who sat on the other side of Garrett. Tanner smiled and looked at me with his eyes wide to seem innocent, when I know for sure he isn’t. I gave him a look only he would understand. He shifted in his spot and mimed ‘I’m sorry’.

I know it was something small and he only told Garrett but I like to know what he tells people. It makes me nervous and self-conscious, even around people I trust. I guess the others know I like tigers now too, but I can live with that. I just like to know what Tanner tells people about me when I’m not there to hear it.

Sending another look at Tanner to say I forgave him I looked back at Garrett, but I could still see the huge grin on my brother’s face. Garrett smiled softly eyes shining happily.

I’d still love to know why he was always so happy like that. Was it with anyone or just certain people? I want to ask...But I don’t want to seem rude or anything. Plus it might not even be my place to ask.

“So if you’d like, you can keep him.” Garrett shrugged. “I think he’s been in my wardrobe long enough.”

I looked down at the toy in my lap and smiled as I ran my hand down its back. I looked at its eyes, which is the thing that made it oh so cute. Puppy dog eyes on a cat; oddly it actually fits well. I looked up at Garrett and smiled.

“Thank you.”

His whole face lit up even more if that was possible, which made me smile more. I moved the tiger off my lap to the grass in front of me and leaned towards Garrett pulling him into a shy hug. I felt him go stiff in shock, which was understandable. Normally he was the one hugging me first or silently asking for a hug. I’ve never hugged him willing first before.

Chuckling shyly I moved away and bit my lip gently. Quickly I let my gaze flicker around our group and almost sighed relived. No one but Tanner was watching us from what I could tell. I would’ve been pretty embarrassed if the others were.

“You’re welcome, just don’t make him sit in a wardrobe any longer.” Garrett laughed.

Laughing lightly I nodded and moved the toy so it was sitting in between us. It was then I finally noticed that my lunch and drink was sitting next to the box for me to grab. I leant forward and grabbed the pie and chocolate shake.

“This was in the box too Lara.” Jared said holding up a brown bag. “I think it’s meant for you.”

He lightly threw the bag at me and I caught it. Curious I opened it just to start laughing.

‘I know you love muffins so much, so a made an extra one for you for helping me today. Have fun with your friends at lunch!
Love Auntie Rhonda.
P.S Tell my sister if she wants her muffin to come and get it herself. I don’t do personal deliveries on Wednesdays. Haha :)’

Chuckling I pulled out the muffin, to find it a chocolate chip one and notice almost all the guys in the group eyeing it.


“I think we’re a bit too old for the playground.” John shrugged.
“No we’re not! Playgrounds have no age limit.” Tanner pouted.
“What about a height limit?” Kennedy asked tilting his head to the side.
“As I see it, if you can fit on it, you can go on it.” Tan grinned. “So who is coming with me?”

Everyone was silent as Tanner looked around at everyone. He pouted as he got up to his feet.

“Fine then I’ll go alone.” He grumbled. “Lazy asses.”
“I’ll come.” I sighed.

I stood up to my feet, brushing the dirt off the back of my jeans. I quickly placed the tiger in Garrett lap.

“Look after him.” I smiled.

He laughed as I jogged off after my brother who was standing with his arms crossed waiting for me. When I reached him he suddenly smiled and quickly somehow picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. I growled annoyed but didn’t do anything else, I’ve learnt by now that it was useless trying to.

He stepped over the little boundary to hold the sand in and sat me back down on my feet. I looked around the equipment and found that it was all empty apart from one swing that a guy sat on with his little kid sitting in his lap.

Tanner grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the money bars. I laughed; I haven’t been on these for years. Tanner smirked at me letting my hand go and reached up to the bars, having no problem touching them. I had to jump just slightly to get a good grip.

I moved one hand to the next bar, so that I was facing sideways towards the others that were watching us. I shuffled back so my hands almost hit the side frame and started swinging myself. Once I was high enough I lifted my legs up to the other frame and lifted them threw the gap in the bars, making them sit over the frame and dangle off the side a little. With my arms I lifted the rest of me up and stuck my head in the gap. I lifted one arm through, then the other.

I move so I was sitting safely on top of the bars and grinned. I was actually amazed I can still so that, it’s been what? Six years maybe since I last did that.

I looked to my side and burst out laughing at Tanner’s crappy attempt to do the same. He grumbled before dropping down and stalking off to the side. I chuckled lightly and watched as my “big” brother climb up the ladder then slid down the slide backwards. I wanted to make a smart comment about that, but I stopped myself before I could even open my mouth because I wasn’t in the safest spots to be a smartass to my brother right now.I’d end up being ripped off this and have my head shoved in the sand if I did.

“You know I just watched you climb up there and I’m still confused.”
“In other words, how the fuck did you get up there?”

I looked down at Pat and Garrett. Both of them looked at me confused and amazed. I chuckled lightly and moved so I was half laying across the bars to look right down at them.

“It’s easy once you know how to get up here.” I smiled. “If you’re extremely afraid of heights or don’t want to risk getting hurt then I suggest don’t do it. I can talk you through it if you’d like though.”
“I think I’ll pass, I’d probably fall.” Pat said. “Plus someone has to keep the kid on the slide company.” He laughed walking away.
“If you tell me what to do I’ll try.” Garrett grinned.

I smiled and moved so I was sitting up again, carefully not to fall down myself.

“Well you have two ways.” I said simply. “Either the way I climbed up...”
“Or?” Garrett asked.
“You climb up on the hand railing right there.” I laughed.

Garrett blinked and looked at the railing. I chuckled lightly at the look on his face. I was sure he had no idea there was an easier way up here. I watched as he stepped up onto the platform. He climbed up so he was standing on the hand rail little kids would use to get on the platform, and then carefully climbed up onto the bars where I was. He grinned and moved so he was sitting the same way I was.

“You know, you could have said there was an easier way earlier.”
“And where would the fun be in that?” I smiled.

He laughed shrugging and shifted slightly on the bars.

“Jared’s looking after your tiger.”

I placed my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh so loud. Garrett chuckled besides me.

“He better be, or else he’s in trouble.” I chuckled.
“By both of us.” He grinned.

Smiling I nodded and quickly glanced at my brother to make she he hadn’t hurt himself yet. Though I’m sure he’d yell a few choice words if he did.

“So...” Garrett sighed getting my attention back. “I was wondering what you were going this weekend.”
“This Saturday is a band night right?”
“Yep, what about Sunday or Friday?”

I knotted my eyebrows up trying to think of what I could be doing.

“Sunday is a family dinner at dads.” I mumbled thinking. “Other than that I’d probably be at home all day and nothing on Friday at all unless Rhonda needs my help again.”

I looked at Garrett to see him looking down at his hands hiding his eyes from me. This made me curious.

“Why you ask?”
“I was just wondering if you were busy because I was thinking we could go and do something together.” He shrugged. “If you wanted to of course.”

For some reason I felt myself blushing but I ignored that.

“Sure.” I nodded. “W-what were you thinking of doing?” I asked shyly.
“I was thinking of the movies...but their normally packed on Fridays and you don’t like crowds so...I dunno. A movie night at my place maybe?”
“S-sure.” I muttered bitting down on my lip. “That would be fine...”

Garrett looked up at me and smiled. He shifted closer to me and placed his hand on the frame to keep his balance almost touching mine.

“I guess I better look for my Tim Burton moves then.”

I chuckled nodding. For a minute it was silent before I smiled thinking of something.

“Can I bring the tiger?”

Garrett burst out laughing almost falling off the monkey bars.
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You asked and you got it!! ;D
I just hope that turned out alright because it's like 1am and my back is killing me. That was also why this wasn't out sooner, normally when my back fucks up on me like this it's my lower back, this time it's not so it makes it hard to actually sit there for long and write large amounts. >.<
Also I hope that you found that somewhat cute, I tried to make it that way.

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