Eventually, Something Has to Give

Sleepy Whispers.

“I feel like I’m going to explode still.” Garrett sighed but still smiling as he opened the front door of the house.
“I did warn you not to eat so fast.” I chuckled.

He laughed walking into the house flipping lights on the way with me following, until we stopped in the kitchen. I placed the bags of junk food he got on the way home onto the dining table and took a quick glance around as he got the icecream out from one of the bags.

I’ve only ever seen the lounge room, his bedroom and the bathroom during the few times I’ve been here. The kitchen was homey like the rest of the house with a simple cream and red colour scheme. For a split second I could actually see his mum cooking in here, that’s how homey it was.

I turned my gaze back to Garrett and saw him pick up one of the bags. He gestured for me to follow him, which I did, into the lounge room. I kicked my thongs off my feet before walking over the mattress on the floor and sitting down somewhere in the middle. Garrett placed the bag on the coffee table that was pushed out of the way to make room for the huge mattress.

“I’m going to get a bunch of spare pillows and blankets from upstairs. If you want you can pick out a movie.” He said walking towards the doorway. “All the DVDs are on the left side of the TV, pick whatever you like!” He added walking out of the room.
“There should be some Tim Burton ones in there!” He called.

I smiled lightly and moved on the mattress to the left side of the TV cabinet. I don’t know why but it felt really nice, almost heart warming that he remembered that I really liked Tim Burton’s movies. It was just the fact he remembered simple things like that about me...that was just, yeah. For me it was mind blowing; just like this afternoon when he read my mind about being in crowded areas.

It was weird for me to have someone other than mum, Tan and Jared remember things like that. Then again I wasn’t that used to having friends at all, so really this is all new to me, but at the same time it wasn’t. At least I can trust Garrett knowing things about me. I hope.

Bitting down on my lip I opened the cabinet door and ran my eyes over all the movie titles that stared back at me, which was actually quite a lot. Then something caught my eye, on the bottom of the cupboard was a stack of Tim Burton movies that was already pulled out and piled in the corner. I blinked a little surprised and pulled the top two out, which were ‘Sweeney Todd’ and ‘Sleepy Hollow’.

Did Garrett already pull them out for me?

Shaking my head I closed the cabinet and placed the two movies on top of the TV. I wasn’t going to touch the DVD player, in case to play the movie it had to be on an AV channel or something.

Quietly I scooted back so I was in the middle of the mattress again, in a perfect spot to watch the movie. I looked towards the door where Garrett had gone and then down at my hands in my lap. As I waited I started picking at my nails and nibbled on my bottom lip.

“Find something?”

I jumped slightly and turned around to face Garrett, only to have a whole lot of pillows and blankets dumped over my head. I gasped lightly and fell down backwards with them. I could hear him laughing even though I was fully covered. I felt myself pout as I fought my way out of them and shove them to the side.

I looked up at Garrett to see him bending over, hands on his knees laughing. I glared at him lightly and grabbed the closest pillow to me. He didn’t even notice me lifting it over my head and throwing it at him; just by chance it happened to hit his head. I slapped my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh when he feel backwards on his ass in shock.

He blinked taken back for a long moment before he smiled shaking his head, right then I couldn’t hold it in I just had to laugh. He’s smile widened and he crawled over to me so he was sitting cross legged next to where I was lying.

“You throw hard you know that, my ass hurts now.” He said making me laugh more.
“I only hit your head; you’re the one that fell down.” I grinned.

Childishly he poked his tongue out at me which I returned. He laughed before randomly poking my arm. I smiled softly before looking away as I tried sitting up. I almost gasped again as I felt something soft hit the back of my neck. I looked at him and noticed the pillow I threw at him in his hands.

“Are you really trying to start a pillow fight?” I asked more curious than anything.
“Maybe; maybe not.” He grinned.

I hesitated for a moment before reaching out for the closest pillow, which happened to be a fair bit bigger than the one he had. As I held it up his eyes widen and he dropped the one he had.

“You win.” He said holding his hands up in front of him.
“Chicken.” I teased grinning.
“Nah I just prefer not being knocked out with a giant pillow.” He chuckled.

I smiled shrugging. Though he had a point; Tanner almost knocked Jared out once in a pillow war, though I wouldn’t hit anyone hard enough to do that - at least not on purpose. Garrett picked up the pillow again and one of the blankets moving them out on the mattress. I moved the others so that all four of the blankets were spread out and the pillows all piled up against the couch with the cushions from the couch as well.

“So which movie first?”
“Uh...any, doesn’t bother me.” I shrugged laying back down, this time with my head on the pillows.

I watched as Garrett grabbed one of the DVD cases, took the disc out and messed around with the TV remote. After a moment the screen came alive and the usual copyright warning showed. Garrett moved so he was lying down next to me the same way. His hand slipped over and slid into mine just as the disc menu for ‘Sweeney Todd’ showed on the screen.

I couldn’t help but smile at that.


I looked at the TV with a slightly bored expression as one of Garrett’s zombie moves flicked across the screen. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good movie...but I dunno, it just seemed to overly fake for my tastes in a lot of parts; like when one of the people in the house fell down five stairs, got up then dropped dead – that part really didn’t make sense.

But I won’t say anything because Garrett seems to be enjoying it. Plus we did watch two movies that I wanted to watch and it was his house so it was only fair he got to watch something that he liked. It wasn’t like the movie was that bad I was going to die of boredom. Even if it was I could just watch his reactions to it, they were pretty amusing actually. Some even looked, if I dare say it, cute; but I won’t ever admit that out loud...

Bitting back a yawn I shuffled down the mattress a little getting more comfy and pulled the blanket that was draped over me up higher – well the highest I could with Garrett’s head resting on my stomach. I’m not sure why, but at the start of this movie he asked if he could use me as a pillow, I didn’t think much of it and agreed.

He hasn’t moved since, not that it bothered me much; it wasn’t like he was hurting me because all he was doing was drawing random shapes by his head with his finger tips. I could hardly feel it and I had to actually ask what he was doing after a while.

Would it be weird that if I thought this was a little...lovy dovy in a way?

But for some reason that didn’t bother me too much. And that scared me a lot little.

Slowly the movie came to an end and I bit back another yawn as the credits started. I heard Garrett sigh before he moved a little grabbing the remote.

“Did you want to watch anything else?” He mumbled sleepily.
“No thanks.” I whispered.

I felt him nod before the screen turned black; making the room all dark apart from the bit of light that came from the kitchen through the door way. I then heard him yawn, which like a chain reaction making me yawn.

I heard Garrett chuckle before he moved his head from my stomach followed by rustling of blankets. From the slightest bit of light shinning into the room I could see him sit up before moving so he was laying right next to me with his head on the pillows.

“May I?” He whispered as I felt his arm slide around my waist very gently.
“Yeah.” I nodded softly.

I have no clue why but I honestly never minded when he did things like holding my hand, kissed my cheek or this. I felt safe almost, if that was the right word. Should I be feeling like this?

“You know,” He mumbled before yawning again. “You forgot the tiger.”
“I did, didn’t I.” I whispered smiling softly. “He’s sitting on my bed.”
“At least he isn’t in a wardrobe anymore.”
“Yeah, true.”

I smiled softly snuggling into the makeshift bed more. For a few minutes it was quiet and for a second I thought he had fallen asleep before I heard him yawn and felt his warm breath fan over my neck.

“Do you ever...?” He trailed off sounding almost asleep. “Want to tell someone something but...but at the same time didn’t want to because you were afraid of their reaction...?”
“Yeah always, ever since I was, uh, hurt.”

Garrett mumbled something as he moved his head so it was buried into the side of my neck and shoulder. I looked at him confused, but I couldn’t see his face, which I wish I could right now because I have no idea what he’s talking about exactly.

“What did you say?” I whispered.

It was quiet for a long moment. Did he fall asleep?

“I wish I could tell you something...” He breathed against my neck.

Tell me something? I looked at him even more confused and tried to roll onto my side so I could have a chance to see his face but before I could he tightened his hold on me a little snuggling into my side. I felt my face heat up but I ignored it.

“Tell me what?” I asked, but got no reply. “Garrett?”

I felt his calm even breathing against my skin and I knew then that he was asleep. What the hell did he mean by ‘I wish I could tell you something’? Shaking my head lightly I looked up at the ceiling for a long while, but couldn’t come up with anything.

He was mostly asleep when he said it, so maybe it was just a bunch of nothing? Tanner always mumbled a load of crap when he was half asleep.

I sighed lightly and closed my heavy eyes. Whatever it was can wait for another time.
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Sorry for taking a couple of weeks to get this out, I've been busy and also busy writing other things.
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Did you know I've gotten more feedback on quizilla lately then here? O.O That shocked the hell out of me to be honest.

Oh did you want to know something awesome? ;]
THIS STORY HAS HIT TEN STARS! Thank you everyone seriously! <33

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