Eventually, Something Has to Give

Other Side Of The Fence.

The sound of Tanner screaming at Jared to put him down all but made me jump out of my own skin. My head snapped up from watching the sunlight hit the water and watched as Jared dumped my brother into the water laughing. I shuddered a little and frowned. Tanner popped up again quickly with a pout on his lips.

He glared at our cousin then started splashing water. I watched as it turned into a full on splash fight as Garrett chuckled from besides me.

To be honest I’m not really sure how, but I managed to survive about an hour in the water before I really started freaking out. As I watched the water fight I could feel myself starting to shake. I just hope that Garrett was distracted enough not to notice.

Since I got in none of the guys splashed me on purpose, but Kennedy did accidently jump in a little too close to us causing my head to get a little swamped about ten minutes ago – that started my over thinking about my scars and what happened with me back in school.

I swear if I didn’t over think and stress about everything then I wouldn’t panic so much.

Shaking my head I tried pulling away from Garrett to leave the pool but he didn’t let go. He looked at me from where he was watching the guys, tilting his head to the side curious probably because since we got in this was the first time I tried to get out of his hold. Once he saw the panic in my eyes his eyes widened in shock. He pulled me closer to him – if that was possible – and quickly headed over to the steps.

He picked me up causing my legs to wrap around his waist way too easily that it shocked me; because really, I wasn’t that light was I? I threw my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest to try and calm down. It always feels like I panic over nothing; but at the same time I know for a fact it’s not nothing.

When I felt the suns heat touching my wet skin I knew we were out of the pool. I sucked in a deep breath and felt Garrett sit down somewhere. I pulled my head back noticing that we were now on the pool side chairs Kennedy dragged out from his shed. I squeaked quietly as he fell back, lying down on the chair with me lying on top of him.

I hid my face from his view because I knew I was blushing. I was lying on a shirtless Garrett, how could I not?

A second later someone wolf whistled at us making me roll my eyes – I have my money on John.

“What’s wrong lovely?” He asked softly.

I felt myself blush again at the nickname, I don’t know why but he’s been calling me that a few times today.

“J-just over thinking, way t-too much.” I mumbled.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked almost unsurely.

I bit down on my lip and raised my head to see his face. He gazed at me with soft eyes, almost like if he was saying that if I didn’t want to say anything, I didn’t have too. That was something I really liked about him; he always gave me a choice if I want to or not. He didn’t push me or demand an explanation at all. He let me open up if I want to in my own time with no pressure. I’m not sure why but that made me feel somewhat safer.

I know for sure though that it made me feel that he really cared about me, in a different way as to Jared and Tanner. I could even go out on a limb and say it made me feel special.

“I was thinking about...something and what happen back in school, when I was thrown into the pool.” I said lightly, watching his reaction.

He frowned and quickly lifted his head up enough to kiss my temple. I smiled softly at the action and glanced away for a second shyly. I’m still not really used to all the affection, lovy dovy shit yet. It didn’t bother me too much, but I was shy about it all.

“Try not to think about it too much, none of us would ever do that to you.”

I smiled softly and quickly pecked his cheek. My lips ghosted over his cheek so lightly even I could barely feel it, but it was a kiss on the cheek none the less.

“I know, but still, it’s hard not to think about it.” I sighed resting my head on his chest. “I can normally block things unless they have a direct memory to where I am. That’s why I avoid certain places unless I have someone with me.” I added in thought.
“Like being at a pool.” He started more than asked.
“Yeah.” I nodded.

Calm silence seeped around us as we simple lied like that on the deck chair. I didn’t really want to talk more about that and I guess Garrett noticed, which is why he stayed quiet just playing with my damp hair as I listened to the guys yelling. I was waiting for another wolf whistle but I didn’t hear one.

At least being out of the water I didn’t have to worry about my shirt moving and showing my scars to everyone. I panic too much.

I sighed again and closed my eyes lightly from the bright sun.


“Do you think dad will be home still?” Tanner asked playing with his food, pushing it all over the plate.
“Dunno, mum never said anything about him staying for dinner.”

He hummed before shoving a fork full into his mouth. I looked down at the plate in my lap and stabbed the mound of lettuce with my fork.

Through the whole dad situation has all but completely fixed, it still left me and Tanner feeling uneasy about it. Just like mum had said, it wouldn’t be easy and it would take time – a long time. I’ve only seen him three times since he apologised; when we went house hunting with him, when he came over for lunch and before I got ready to come here today. Very time being so damn awkward.

Though I have to admit, I have to give him credit for trying.

Things will never go back to what they were like when I was little, before he decided work was more important than family, but at least I still have a father in the picture. That defiantly has to count for something. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to fully trust him again...Maybe not, but I can learn to trust him somewhat.

I sighed shaking my head. There was no point thinking or worrying about it anymore, if the puzzle pieces fall together, than they do. If they don’t, than they simply don’t. I have better things to worry about anyway.

Finishing off my dinner, I stood and placed the dishes on the table that had been brought outside before returning to my seat next to Tanner. But I didn’t get far before someone caught my wrist making me jump slightly. I whipped my head around to see Jared smiling at me. I smiled back as he let my wrist go. I could see in his eyes that he was sorry for scaring me like that once again.

“Tanner told me about today, you alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine now.” I nodded. “Still don’t like pools though.” I shrugged.

He chuckled and slid his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side.

“Fair enough,” He nodded before kissing my cheek. “But your boy is by the pool, I think he wants to see you.”

He pulled away and gave me a light nudge towards the pool gate before walking over to sit where I was before on the grass. He grinned at me before snatching a piece of food from Tanner’s plate. I turned and walked away before they started squabbling like kids, knowing if I don’t leave now I would be dragged into it.

I opened the gate quietly and noticed Garrett’s figure sitting on the pool edge, feet dangling in the water and Pat floating on a blow up chair at the far end. I walked over to Garrett quietly stepping in a couple of puddles that didn’t dry before the sun set. Through the sun was almost gone and the lights were turned on, the air was still quiet warm. Warm enough to go swimming again I guess, not that I want to.

I sat down next to him pulling my knees to my chest. I looked down at the water, which was so flat and calm right now, even with Pat floating in it. The outside lights razes bounced off the bottom of the pool making it look like the water was glowing. It reminds me of the blue glow sticks people wear around their wrists at parties or chop up to make their room have glowing splatter all over the walls.

Placing my head on my knees I smiled staring at the water, because it really does look pretty like that. Garrett sighed lightly from besides me. I tore my eyes away from the water to look at him. I didn’t even have time to blink before he kissed me on the corner of my lips. He laughed pulling back.

“I was aiming for your cheek,” He chuckled. “But I can’t complain about that.”

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and started drawing random patters on the skin just below the sleeve of my shirt. I smiled wider and looked back at the water.

I chuckled quietly at Pat. He was floating around half out of the blow up chair, somehow not falling off of it and looking like he owned the pool by how he was laying back. A funny sight to see actually.

“Can I ask you something?” Garrett asked suddenly.
“Of course.” I nodded.
“May I ask where you got the scar on your arm from?” He asked making me freeze and want to eat my words. “I noticed it a lot today, more than any other day.” He added thoughtfully running his finger over it.

Crap and duck shit! He noticed...then again it’s not surprising. I mean I’ve been waiting for this to happen right? This is what I’ve been so worried about for months...

I guess I should tell him, but what would he think? Would he be able to handle seeing and knowing that they are there? He knows that those guys pretty much traumatised me back in school, hell I even told him about the pool incident today. So in a way he would have found about this sooner or later. But still...it’s the biggest secret I have from what they did to me in a way.

Can I trust Garrett with that too? Yes, I can.

Swallowing hard I squeezed my hands into fists so they wouldn’t shake. I lifted my head off of his shoulder but didn’t pull away anymore than that. I can’t believe I’m going to do this; again.

“They did that.” I whispered so quietly for a second I didn’t think he heard me.

I felt his eyes on me but I didn’t look up at him. I bit down on my lip and stared down at my lap. Garrett was quiet and I could almost hear the gears turn in his head.

“Wait-what? Who did that?” He asked taking my chin between his thumb and finger making me look at him.
“The same guys that abused, teased and dumped me into the pool that I said about today.” I said just as quietly as before.

His eyes widen in shock, complete utter shock. The only other time I’ve seen that look on his face was when I first told him. He stuttered trying to make sense of what I said. I guess he didn’t think that what they did to me was that bad.

I looked away; pulling my face from his grip and bit down that hard on my lip I could taste blood. My lip right away started to sting a little, but I ignored it along with the metallic taste.

“S-so they actually...seriously hurt you?!” He exclaimed whispering.

I nodded slowly as my eyes started to prickle. I felt his body become ridged and his hand on my shoulder form into a hard fist. I curled up on myself and blinked quickly to force back tears.

“I h-have a lot of s-scars from them.” I whispered. “On m-my legs, back and stomach. Most you c-can’t see but y-you can feel them.”
“Those...those, assholes!” He hissed.

I flinched away from him, eyes wide and scared at how angry he was. He was practically livid. I’ve never seen him that angry before, actually I don’t think I’ve ever seen him angry. It was fucking downright scary. It didn’t even look or sounds like him.

As I moved away from him obviously scared, his eyes softened as he sighed. He moved the arm that was almost falling off of my shoulders and slid it slowly around my waist. With his other hand he reached up and gently grazed my cheek.

“I’m sorry.” He said softly, but I could still hear all the other emotions in his voice, shock standing out the most. “I didn’t mean to scare you lovely, but-“

He shocked his head and sighed. I moved slowly so I was sitting like I was before.

“I...I can’t believe that someone would do something like that to you.” He shook his head again. “How someone can live doing that is beyond me.” He grumbled.

I nodded agreeing but didn’t say anything. I looked back down at my lap trying not to cry again. As I slowly forced the tears back he started relaxing besides me. I still could tell he was shocked, horrified and angry about it through, but I could tell none of those emotions were directed at me, which lifted a little stress off my shoulders.

“Lara.” He called gaining my attention making me look at him. “I don’t care how cheesy or crap this sounds, but I promise that I would never do anything to you that would hurt you. It’s a hard promise to keep but I’ll try my best to do so.” He said looking straight into my eyes. “I promise.”

The tears that I had forced back broke the damn and started streaming down my face. He gasped softly before pulling me into a loving hug. No one has very said anything like that to me. It was always ‘I promise I won’t let that happen to you again’ or ‘I promise that I’ll always be there for you’ and things like that, not what Garrett said. Not by a long shot.

I clutched onto his shirt as my tears started to dry up and I started to feel dizzy from the lack of worry that used to sit on my shoulders about all this. Garrett pretty much knew everything now.

He was on the ground on the other side of the fence now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it :) I honestly like this way better then the last chapter.
I never though this story would hit 30 chapters, I was thinking around 25-ish. Now I'm guessing 35 xD I highly doubt it would be over 35. But we'll see.
So yeah, that's it...um, I have a tumblr if you'd like to follow me, I'm on there a fair bit nowadays. xD

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