Eventually, Something Has to Give

Questions And Answers.

Feeling warm breath hitting the side of my face every few seconds wasn’t something I expected to wake up to; Tanner running into my room and jumping on me while yelling at the top of his lungs maybe, but not that. For a moment I thought it was a dream. It was different and odd....but nice in a weird way, if that was possible.

I smiled softly and curled into him and the blankets more. The warmth that was coming from his skin was just lovely against mine. I always was a bit of a cold sleeper so I could almost call Garrett my own personal heater right now. He defiantly felt like one.

It actually felt calming just laying here like this; I could probably fall back to sleep quickly if I wanted to.

Seriously, I never thought that lying in bed with someone and having their soft breaths crease your cheek and the warmth coming of their body would be so calming. I never really had been in this situation before to find out I guess and I don’t really consider the other two times, because I never payed that much attention to it and we weren’t in this relationship, if you can call it that. We like each other so it must be in a way, just not official...right?

Yawning lightly I slowly fluttered my eyes open. My room wasn’t overly bright but it still stung my eyes a first. I blinked a few times before trailing my gaze down to Garrett – who was still asleep, eyes fluttering lightly, lips slightly open and expression peaceful.

His body was all but wrapped around mine; his leg was over my hip, arms wrapped around me holding tightly but in a comfortable way and his head were resting right next to mine with his hair fanned out over my pillow and half of his face.

He looks just so peaceful and like I had thought last night: beautiful. I still can’t believe I’m thinking of him as that though. But it was true...maybe this is what I should be capturing for the picture I’m drawing of him? I wish I could get my camera, but if I move I’m sure I’ll wake him up. I don’t want to do that.

I tilted my head up enough to see the time on my alarm clock before resting my head back down gently. It was only just after nine thirty and from how quiet the house was I’m guessing Jared and Tanner are still asleep. It was a good thing they still were...if they were to walk on us like this, we’ll never hear the end of it for the rest of the day.

I don’t know about Garrett but I do not want to put up with that, it’s going to happen eventually knowing my brothers, but not today if I can help it. Sighing I shook my head and looked back down at him before letting my eyes slip shut again. I bit back another yawn.

I’m not sure how long I was lying there before Garrett stirred a little. He grumbled something and rolled over slightly so he was more on his stomach than side, but kept his leg over my hip and arm around my waist. He sighed before burying his head into the pillow like a little puppy. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh.

Now that would be something to draw later, it would be nice to draw of something good and not nightmare filled again. The picture I’m working on now doesn’t count because it’s going to be a gift. Gifts are never anything to do with what happened to me in memories; I wish I would stop drawing them sometimes though.

But sometimes I’m happy I still do. It gets the memory out of my head and turns it into a simple dark drawing that I don’t have to think of what happened to the drawn girl. My own therapy in a way – that’s what Tanner always called it anyways.

Garrett mumbled from besides me again but I couldn’t understand what he said this time because of how his face was implanted into the pillow. I reached up gently and pushed back the hair from his face. The corner of his lips that I could see twitched up for a moment.

“Mornin’” He muttered a bit clearer.
“Good morning.” I said quietly dropping my hand.

He hummed lightly and buried his face further into the pillow if that was possible. I chuckled lightly and watched as he fell back asleep again. I shifted from under his leg and arm managing to slip out. Garrett grumbled and rolled over so he was facing the other way and curled up into a ball.

Smiling I sat up and noticed my sketch book of the bedside table. I looked at it confused, because why would it be there; I always put it under my bed. Maybe I forgot last night or was too tired to? I reached over Garrett carefully and picked it up as well as my pencil case. I placed the case besides me and quietly open up my book.

I flicked though the pages until I got to the drawing I started last night. I smiled seeing how much I had gotten done and got a pencil out.

Just as I was about to put the lead to the page I froze seeing what was written on the back of the other page which was defiantly not my writing.

‘You feel asleep when I went to ask you something last night; well to be honest I have two things to ask.
1 – Can you come to the bands gig next week? I know you don’t like crowds, but it would mean a lot to us if you could come and watch. We’ll make sure that you’re in a safe place. Maybe be my ‘groupie’ and hangout backstage, we’ll let you fan girl all you want. Ha.
2 - Will you be my girlfriend? <3’

When I really realise what he had asked second I all but choked on air. I lifted my hand to my mouth fast to quieten down my coughs while still staring eyes wide at the note Garrett left. He seriously...he wants...what?

I let the book slip from my fingers onto my lap and brought my hand away from my face. I blinked a few times before looking up at him. I know that we are in some type of relationship...but him actually asking me that...

It just made it feel more real and honestly scarier. I’ve said this, even to him, but I never really been in a relationship with anyone, it’s all new to me and I get so scared doing new things remotely close to feelings and trust. I trust Garrett, yes...but I’m still scared because I don’t know what to think or to feel. I like him more that a friend and I’m happy to trust and be with him, but still I don’t know. It’s...it’s almost too much.

I hate dealing with sudden emotions like this.

Shaking my head a bit too roughly I reached forward and placed my hand on Garrett’s shoulder softly shaking him. He stirred before rolling over onto his back and cranking one of his eyes open before yawning.

“Yeah lovely?” He half croaked.

For a split second I wondered why he was so tried, but shook that from my head quickly. Silently I lifted up the book, carefully not to show the picture – even if he has already seen it, I hope not- and looked at him confused. He squinted at the page for a moment before he made a ‘oh’ sound and his cheeks turned slightly pink.

“I was actually hoping you wouldn’t see that until I was awake.” He said softly with sleep still in his voice.

I bit down on my lip hard when I placed the book back down. Garrett sat up slowly, stretching a little making his shirt rise up slightly. He smiled softly but it turned into a worried frown when he looked at me. What expression was on my face I have no idea. He reached forward and ran his thumb over my bottom lip to stop me from bitting down on it.

He doing that honestly shocked me, no one ever did that before, they just told me to stop it if they did anything at all. Garrett smiled again and leaned closer to kiss my forehead softly.

“You can take all the time you want to answer those questions; I just really could not wait to ask you. Sorry for writing in your drawing book.”
“It’s alright.” I whispered. “Yes for the first one.” I nodded not pulling any though in to the crowd part for obvious reasons.
“That’s great!” He beamed. “We’ll make sure you get a nice placed to watch us without so many people, maybe side stage or something. We will work it out later.” He smiled as I nodded again. “And the second...?”

I looked down at my lap and sunk of teeth into my lip again. I could feel my face heat up and my heart starting to beat faster. I know what answer I wanted to say...but could I say it? Can I go that far? Do I need more time?

“Well...yeah, but- I dunno...and-“I splattered trying to figure out what to say.

How do you put most feelings into words? Suddenly Garrett reached forward and lifted my head up to look at him. He gave a soft smile before leaning in placing a soft kiss on my lips. I’m positive my cheeks were redder when he pulled away.

“Like I said you don’t have to answer now...But honestly the way I see it, we are already together, asking that is just putting a name to it. It doesn’t change from what we are right now, just somewhat more official I guess.” He pointed out voice soft. “In a way I don’t even know why I’m asking but, being your first real relationship I thought I would.” He smiled.

My face got hotter if that was even possible. Well I didn’t think of it like that...He has a real point though and it made me feel a bit better. He is right about how him asking wouldn’t change anything. I really feel like kicking myself for over reacting now. How was he so right most of the time?

“You have a good point.” I said nodding. “...Yes.” I whispered.

My heart thumped hard in my chest when I could see his eyes light up like stars. He grinned reaching forward pressing his lips to mine again with a bit more pressure this time. I could feel his smile against my lips as I kissed back. I smiled softly and shyly lifted my hand to his shoulder.

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around me and fell back on the bed pulling me down with him. I landed softly on his chest feeling it shake as he laughed. I chuckled lightly and reached under my stomach to pull the art book out as it was digging into my lap.

He kissed my forehead before yawning. I rolled my eyes smiling.

“Sleepy head.” I teased shyly.
“Mmm, that’s what I get for watching my girlfriend sleep for two hours last night.”

I hid my face into his chest blushing again as he laughed.


I blocked out every bit of noise my brothers made about me and Garrett and focused the best I could on my drawing. He decided to tell them what went on this morning and though I agree to that, I still found it annoying. Tan and Jared will not shut up.

They were almost skipping though the house singing. The rest of the guys know, mum knows and I wouldn’t be surprised if dad knew by now. They are all really happy with it from what I heard which made me happy. But my brothers carrying on like two-bulb watches weren’t. How Garrett was putting up with them downstairs I’m have the faintest idea.

I knew that would happen, at least I got to warn Garrett first I guess.

Pulling the pencil away from the page I smiled. It was finished – the drawing was done. It was the best I could do to capture the way he looked last night watching the movie with the screen light glowing on his face. I actually, seriously, think I did a great job on this one. For a second I didn’t want to give it to him.

Sighing softly I signed my name in the bottom corner with that date, before placing the pencil down to do one of the most scariest parts – ripping the page out. I bit down hard on my lip as I watch the page pull apart from the books spine holding my breath. Once it was free I breathed out loudly and smiled.

Now the only hard part was giving it to Garrett and hoping that he will like it.

Bitting down on my lip again softly, I placed the page on the bed before heading over to my bedroom door. That’s when I noticed that it was actually quiet downstairs; did Garrett manage to get them to be quiet or something? Shaking my head I walked out and down the stairs where I could see into the lounge room.

“Garrett, can you come here for a minute?” I called.
“Hurry Garry your girl wants you!” Tanner snickered.
“Tan.” I groaned. “Shut up.”
“Big brother got told.” Garrett laughed walking out of the room and towards me.

I can’t see Tanner, but I’m sure he would be pouting right now not that Jared’s laughing didn’t give it away. Garrett smiled at me and I turned silently walking back to my room with him following. I started chewing on my lip again as I headed for my bed. What if he didn’t like it?

I picked up the drawing carefully making sure to hold it in a way so he couldn’t see it yet. I looked at him shyly and took a deep breath as he started at me confused.

“So, um...yesterday I came up with an idea for making you something because I want to say thank you for everything you have done for me in the last few months.” When I saw that he was going to say something I held my hand up to keep him quiet. “Like at the mall; both times, getting me the sketch book and when I turned up on your doorstep crying that night...”

I swallowed heavily and looked down at my feet.

“So I drew you this.” I said softly.

I handed it out for him still making sure that he couldn’t see it until he took it and turned it around himself. I lifted my eyes off the ground looking at him shyly. The second he turned the picture around he froze; eyes wide and mouth open.

My heart started going crazy in my chest waiting to see what he thinks about it. He stared at it for a long moment before he looked up at me, shock clear in his eyes.

“I-it’s me...”

I nodded shyly. He looked down at the picture then back at me. I swear for a moment it looked like his eyes were watering up.

“It’s...wonderful, brilliant even.” He said softly. “Seriously it’s amazing, No one has ever done anything like this for me before...thank you.”

I couldn’t help but break out into a huge smile. He placed the drawing down carefully onto my bed then all but leapt at me wrapping me up in a tight but almost loving hold. I wrapped my arms back around him quickly holding just a tight. He liked the drawing!

He has no idea how happy he made be by saying that. It would have to be the best reaction to any drawing that I have ever done. I’m pretty sure I hit what I wanted with this drawing; to be something that he would love and impact him as much has he has impacted me.

I felt his lips graze my neck before he placed kisses on my cheek and forehead and then pecked my lips. It surprised me a little but it made me smile. He pulled his head back enough to look me right in the eyes.

“Seriously though, thank you. I love it.”

I couldn’t help but smile brighter.
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I really hope that everyone liked this chapter, honestly I'm a bit iffy with it, though I think that is because I don't really like the start.
There are about two chapters left now D: three or four at the most depending on what happens in the next chapter. I am so going to miss this. D:

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This chapter is huge: 2,764 words long xD