Eventually, Something Has to Give

Going To Get Awkward.

The sounds of cutlery clinking against plates and the radio filled my ears inside the small cafe. Sitting at the table right next to the window I excluded myself from the rest of the small amount of cheerful people and focused on the music magazine I was currently reading to pass the time.

My aunt had called me earlier and asked me to come into the cafe to help her if she needed it. She was short by one with staff and wasn’t sure if they could handle everything, but luckily today was a slow day. So I went around and did all the cleaning for her making myself smell like the cloth I was using. The place was almost spotless and since I had nothing else to do I took up my Aunt’s suggestion; relax for a while and read something. It was almost closing time anyway and it wasn’t like I needed to rush back home for anything.

Flipping through the pages of small posters lazily, I heard the door open and close somewhere behind me making cold air whip mostly at me causing a shiver to run down my spine. Now where did I choose to sit here again?

“Lara can you get that for me?” Aunt Rhonda yelled out from the back.

Without needing to reply I got out of my set with the book and walked around the counter. When I looked at the people standing there waiting to be served it almost surprised me. Then again I should have known they always came here.

“Hey guys, what would you like?” I asked being the friendliest as I could.
“Hey Larissa!” Pat grinned. “Can I have a chocolate milkshake and a choc chip muffin if there are any left?”
“Sure...” I trailed off checking if there were any of the beloved muffins Pat loved; which there was.
“I’ll have a hot chocolate, please.” Kennedy smiled handing me some money.

I smiled softly at the two of them and wrote down hot chocolate order. I passed that piece of paper into the back and one of the ladies took it quickly. I gave Kennedy back the change before making the milkshake and placing the muffin on a plate. I took it over to them and quickly went back for the hot chocolate. I only had to wait for a moment for it so I could take it to Kennedy. I did my best not to burn myself with it as I placed it on the table for him. I had a very stupid habit of burning myself on hot coffee mugs for no reason.

“Thanks Lara.” Pat grinned shoving as much of the muffin as he could into his mouth, which was actually funny.
“You’re welcome.” I chuckled.

I turned quickly and stood behind the counter again as they had taken the table I had been sitting that, but that’s ok with me. Shrugging to myself I leant against the counter and stared out the windows, for who knows how long. The weather looked shit outside and yesterday it had been that bloody hot I thought I would melt.

“Why don’t you come sit with us?” Pat asked.

For a second I thought he was talking to someone else until I realised that it was only them and an elderly couple in the cafe now. Glancing at Jared’s friends I bit my lip. It...wouldn’t hurt just to sit with them right? The worse they could do was make me talk no stop to them. Pat for one was like a puppy or something; he could hurt a fly but nothing else.

Talking a deep breath I walked over to the table and sat down gently trying to seem relaxed. It was hard to be relaxed around anyone without Jared with me. Sometime I feel so sorry for the guy to put up with someone like me all the time.

“So your helping Jared’s mum today?” Kennedy asked taking a sip of his drink.

I nodded.

“Yeah, she called not sure if she needed help or not, so I came anyway,” I shrugged. “Better than sitting around at home.”
“True, that’s why we came here.” Pat nodded. “The others are busy so we had nothing to do.”

I nodded agreeing. Jared was busy helping John out with something this afternoon, not really sure what because it wasn’t really my place to ask. I don’t like feeling I’m nosing into Jared’s business so I never asked too much. I bet if I told him that he would say that was a silly thing to think of. I guess that’s also why I never brought up the feelings I had when around his friends sometimes. I don’t want Jared thinking I was as useless as I actually am.

“So what are your plans for the rest of the week?” Pat asked with those puppy eyes of his.
“Um...” I hummed thinking it over. “Not sure, depends if my parents are home from work a lot this week or not. You?”
“Messing around with band stuff and maybe help come up with some ideas for a new stage arrangement.” Pat smiled.
“Nothing really, might spend some time with family or something.” Kennedy said.

I smiled lightly at him. The small talk continued until they had finished their order and the elderly couple had left the shop. It wasn’t actually bad talking to them, well like this anyway; we were talking but at the same time we weren’t talking about too much – at least much about me, we ended up talking mostly about the types of music we liked. Which was fine.

“I guess we better go, I bet Jared’s mum wants to close the shop up now.” Kennedy stated standing up.
“See you later Larissa.” Pat grinned.
“See ya.” I nodded.

The two of them waved and smiled before walking out the shop and all but running to the car jumping in. I laughed quietly to myself and stood up, grabbing their dishes. I took them to the back where it was just my Auntie and one worker left now.

“Thank you for your help today hun.” Rhonda smiled.

I smiled back and watched as she placed her apron down before walking over to me. I forced my smile to stay there on my face as she wrapped me into a caring hug. I returned the hug and pulled away gently. I’m still getting used to hugging and being touchy with others that’s not mum or Jared. Yet another weird odd thing about me, I could make a list.

“You’re welcome.” I nodded. “Just call when you need me again.”
“Sure thing.” She smiled. “If you’d like you can take the rest of the choc muffins home, otherwise they would be just going to waist.”
“Love to, thanks.” I grinned. “See you later.”
“Bye hun.”

Waving I walked back out to the counter and grabbed a paper bag. There were only three muffins left. I placed them in the bag and grabbed my magazine as I headed for the door. I called out another goodbye and walked out the door as she called back. I was blasted by cold air almost right away. I wrapped my hoodie around me tighter and started walking down the street.

My dark hair kept whipping into my face from the wind and my face was going numb as well as my fingers. It was amazing how much the weather changed overnight and tomorrow it’s either sunny or raining. Honestly I hope it’s a day of rain. Not much wind and just nice showers of rain; I loved it when it rained. It was so calming and...peaceful I guess. That weather always made me feel better.

Holding the bag closer to me I tried to keep my hands covered and keep my hair off of my face enough so I could see; which was actually hard to do. Getting annoyed with it I rolled my eyes and pulled the hood of my jacket over my head. It helped a little.

Hearing a car horn I jumped startled and looked besides me to see a silver-gold car driving at the same speed as me. My heart started jumping in my chest and when the driver’s window rolled down I let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding in. I stopped walking and the car stopped ahead of me by the curb.

I walked to the driver’s window and tilted my head. Garrett smiled at me and Jared let over him to grin at me from the passenger’s seat. I thought Jared was with John...oh, that’s right, Garrett was with them.

“Wanna ride?” Jared asked. “It’s pretty fucking cold.”
“You can say that again.” I mumbled.

For a moment I hesitated but scolded myself before opened the back door and sliding in. The car was much warmer. I rubbed my hands together to get all the feeling back as Garrett started driving down the street.

“So what are you doing out in the cold?” Jared asked turning to look at me.
“Your mum called and asked for help at the cafe.”
“Oh.” He nodded. “You could have called me for a ride though.”
“I didn’t really think of it.”

Jared rolled his eyes and turned back around smiling. I raised an eyebrow confused by that smile but shrugged it off and listen to him and Garrett talk while watching the houses go past the car. After five minutes the car stopped in front of my house.

“Thank you for the ride Garrett.”
“Anytime, you’re welcome.” He smiled looking at me.

I smiled back and got out the car. I heard another car door shut and Jared ran around to me wrapped his arm around my waist. I can see why he did to; the idiot had only a shirt on.

“Thanks Garry, bye!” Jared called.
“Bye guys!” Garrett called back.

Jared spun us around and dragged me to the front door. I laughed as he complained that I wasn’t opening the door fast enough.Teach him to wear a jumper next time in this weather. I walked calmly into the house and Jared ran in. I laughed again and shut the door locking it.

“Is that you Larissa?” I heard my mum call.

Wow, she’s home early for once.

“Yeah.” I said loud enough for her to hear.
“Hey Auntie.” Jared greeted as he walked into the kitchen.

I followed him into the room and pulled out one of the muffins from the bag. I placed the bag on the table mum was sitting at and she opened her arms for a hug. I gave her a quick hug like I did with her sister earlier and moved away taking the seat next to her.

“Your home early.” I stated in a nice way.
“The small meeting I had got cancelled so I decided to come home, you were at the cafe right?” She asked eyeing my muffin.
“Yeah, Rhonda needed some help.” I nodded pulling my muffin clear away from her.

She laughed and picked up another muffin from the bag. I picked up the last one and threw it at Jared, almost hitting him in the face. He glared playfully at me but started eating it anyway. He mumbled an ‘I’ll be in the living room’ and quickly walked out. I heard the beep of the heater being turned on and I tried not to laugh. I’m sure he’ll remember his jumper next time.

Mum sighed lightly and I looked at her to see her smiling at me.

“Your brother called when I got home.” Mum started softly picking bits off the muffin placing them in her mouth.
“Oh, ok.” I said lightly looking down at the table. “H-how is he?” I asked quietly.

Me and Tanner...well the relationship between is was hard to explain. We used to be really, really close and he helped me a lot while I was going through all that stuff in high school.

But then things happened, we moved here and not long after when I was in last year of school he went off to collage that was away from here. And because he was away almost all year we fell out of contact from that and other things; mostly that I know he feels guilty as to what happened. It was a little of his fault, but it was still mine as well.

I hate thinking about it.

“He’s doing fine; he’s actually ahead of his work, which is a good thing.” She said with a sigh. “Part of the collage was burnt down.”
“What?” I asked shocked looking up at her.
“Yeah, it happened the other day, some young teens broke into part of the building and set it a light; wrecked a lot of the place, the whole library is gone.”
“Shit.” I mumbled.

Mum nodded.

“So Tanner called to say he was coming home for a while. Because of the damage he can’t study most of his courses, so he decided to come home; which I think is a good idea.”

I nodded looking back down at the table bitting my lip. It wasn’t like I didn’t want him to come home...it’s just that when he does it’s going to be pretty bloody awkward around us. It almost always is now. Sighing I looked back at mum slowly.

“When is he coming home?” I asked.
“This weekend.” She smiled.
“Ok.” I nodded.

I bit my lip hard again and looked away towards the living room; I could just see Jared’s head over the couch. My heart started sinking.

I never really told Jared what happened. What would happen if he was to find out about it? Would he hate me? Would he hate Tanner? What would he think? I shook my head trying to clear it.

I don’t really plan on telling him; or anyone actually. Tanner knows, mum knows and I like it to stay that way. The only reason why we didn’t tell dad was because he would freak out and, well, probably kill those four guys that was mine and Tanners so called “friends”.

I shook my head again and looked away from Jared. I don’t even want to think about what happened. I want buried away and forgotten.

But with Tanner coming home...I think shit has just got awkward.
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So...did you like it?
Sorry if it's not the best written chapter. At the moment I'm pretty stressed, but I really wanted to get this out and I've actually been working on it, on and off for like five hours now, I think. So yeah I hope it's ok...it made me feel better at least.

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Sorry Mariza, it's not 3,000 words like you wanted it to have...but just think the other 598 words will be in the next chapter xD