Status: Contest entry - completed story :)

I am Desire



Every night I go to sleep, every time I close my eyes, I hear bells. Alarm bells.

They grate away at my conscious with their incessant droning. Warning me away from those my being aches for most:

The sirens.

They are everywhere, the dreaded harpies whose marbled eyes and tender skin sing to me, call to me. One’s mere countenance screams my name on the howling winds. These girls are drenched in temptation, clad head to toe in it.

My heart grows hungry for their passion.

I long for the harmony of their touch and their grace of their voices in my ear. My loins burn with a desperate yearning for satisfaction; simple self-gratification it may seem, nonetheless. But I know what hides behind such beauty.

I have strayed far from the gentle waters of honesty and fidelity into the beckoning whirlpools of broken loyalties more than once before. I was taken in, and swiftly sunk; my mistakes. And it is those same mistakes which gesture to forever bind me into the course of history, whereon I would be played the ultimate fool for repeating oneself, having given in time and time again.

I still bear the pains of past untruths, and now my mind is tormented unendingly, so I use all the willpower I possess to remove such enticing phantasies from my thoughts. Out of sight; out of mind. Albeit the mirror above my chamber door still harrows me in its reflection of my visage:

I don’t recognise myself.

Features turned fickle and sour, unpleasant, never pleased. Never satisfied. I lack the ability to comprehend the cause; all reason and logic have betrayed me. Every single day, a new temptation must arise. And I must steel myself, and abide by the rules that unite all men as one, only then to bid them torn in twain.

One’s partner’s lowered expectation should seem to warrant unfortunate submission to our demise in my fractured subconscious, but if you were to only to truly test me, I would be so sure as to seek the cure and realise devotion, so pure. Alas, the bells so ring out for eternal affliction upon all those who seek the pure.

A great man once said, “All things in moderation.”

Well, call me Desire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please leave me comments, would love to hear your thoughts on this piece!! :)