Status: alive and well :D

It Had to Be You

e d e n

Draco and I laid side by side in our bed. Sweat lingered all over our bodies, we were heaving, trying to catch our breath.

“Damn.” I muttered, lacing our fingers together.

He chuckled. “You can say that again.”

“Is this what marriage is supposed to feel like?” I asked, a linger deep in my tone.

“If this is what love feels like, then for Merlin's sake, yes.”

I giggled like a 12 year-old. “Aw, you said love.”

Draco chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “I do love you.” He muttered, inhaling the scent of my hair.

“I could tell by what you were screaming.” I laughed, poking him in his side.

He laughed and we laid there for a few moments, savoring the feeling.

“I love you too.” I mumbled, barely above a whisper.

He smiled. “I know you do.”


“Oh, shit, Eden, I just realized something.” Draco said in the shower next to me, while I was brushing my teeth.

“And what would that be?” I asked as I spat in the sink.

“I don't have to wank off anymore.” He said, poking his head out of the shower and giving me a thumbs up.

I giggled. “Who said that?” I put away my toothbrush and leaned against the sink.

He sighed loudly, returning back to the shower.

I turned back to the mirror, and magic dried my hair. I put in some music note earrings, and lined my lips in purple lipstick. I took the top half of my hair and tied it all together with a blue bow. I put some mascara on and exited the bathroom, grabbing and blue and white romper from my still unpacked suitcase. I pulled on a muddy green cardigan and some sandals.

Draco came from the bathroom, not even bothering to put on a towel and walked to his closet.

“Going to cover up soon?” I asked, amused.

“Nope.” He said happily.

I laughed, and walked towards him, ready to pounce.


Me and Draco stalked down the streets of Diagon Alley, gathering all our school supplies and books.

We both had school in a few days, and we hadn't figured out what we were going to tell people when we ended up walking down the halls holding hands or on the verge of fucking each others brains out.

From afar I saw my friend Harry, the boy who lived by reputation, and I waved to him. He noticed me and grimaced at the sight of Draco beside me. I frowned and glanced at Draco, who had a murderous look on his face, directed towards Harry.

“Draco, can you stop?” I groaned.

“Then tell Potter to fuck off.” He spat Harry's name.

I rolled my eyes and a figure stepped in front of me.

I groaned. “Fucking tightwad, I want to talk to Harry.”

“No, you can't, the Dark Lord is watching.” Draco said, taking my hand and pulling me into a store.

I shared a long stare with Harry as I entered the store. My stare trying to say 'sorry, he's an asshole', but Harry's face was saying that he was disappointed.

“Fucking hell, so I can't fucking talk to my homies? For Merlin's fucking sake.” I groaned.

“You can, but it's your life...” Draco mumbled and went off in the store, scouring the shelves and aisles.

♠ ♠ ♠
i am so so so so so so so so so so sorry that i haven't updated in like... forever.

i've just been doing my end of term shit, i have to a fucking art portforlio so i can skip art 1 in high school and it's like eating at the fat in my thighs. and well, i've been busy with boys (tap DAT), fucking getting paint on my fucking clothes (the shit that doesn't come off!), fucking spring break, my fucking friend tania who's as fragile as a fucking VASE right now, and fucking C-R-C-T. FUCKING CRCT FUCKING GOING TO MAKE ME LOOSE MY FUCKING MIND, I HAVE TO FUCKING STUDY, BITCHES, AND MAKE FUCKING STUDY GUIDES FOR MYSELF, BECUASE EVERYONE FUCKING SUCKS.

okay, sorry, i had to let that out into the open keys of my motherboard.

idk about updates.
