*** Mouse

Leafy Greens

That night while she was sleeping, I went to her. I wanted to see if she was doing alright. But her foot looked awful; I wanted to help her out. Slowly, I put my tongue out and licked the wound. I gulped and looked around. Good, no one was around to catch me.

I continued to lick her foot when a few minutes later, a man was coming over to her! I almost screamed, but I held it back. I was freaking out, though. Looking around, I finally saw a place to escape to: a crack in the floor.

Right then I was so worried about Annie. There she was, fast asleep with a scary man ready to kill her at any moment. I couldn't take it! The man who had a scruffy face got on top of her, waking her up. I was so frightened for her, but she didn't seem to care that he was there.

Confused, I came out of the crack just to peek. They were both moving around really crazily, side to side then up and down with legs all over the place and faces scrunched together. I couldn't help but watch. Humans were so... intriguing.

But suddenly she screamed. That's when I knew I had to kill him.

I scrambled from the crack all the way to the end of the bed. After I climbed up the bed post I bit the man on the foot. He seemed startled and froze, a pained look on his face. Finally after a few seconds he spotted me.

What could I do? I ran.

He had something big sticking out of his crotch and it looked like a weapon to me. I was going to take it out, just for Annie.

"You big bastard, you want a piece of me?! Well here I am, you piece of shit!" I jumped as high as I could, finally crawling up his leg to the weapon. I bit it as hard as I could, trying to rip it to shreds. It was bleeding, and he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

Mission complete. He was now unarmed. I could take him down, but I wanted him to suffer now.

I hopped off his weapon and scurried away, back to the place I called home for now.