Rising Silence

Chapter One - Knock Knock Knockin' on Adrienne's door.

Adrienne's P.O.V

I jumped up off of the couch. "No Way! They can not be missing!" I had just found out that one of my all time favorite bands had gone missing, The Used.

"What? What?" My sister, Zaria asked as she waltzed into my bedroom.

"The Used, has gone missing!"

"The Used. As In, Bert McCracken, the Used?!"

I nodded. Zaria dropped her phone, (which I was jealous of, she's only 13, and her phone is better than mine.) "No-----!"

Zaria was in love with McCracken, she had an IPod with only The Used Songs on it.

A Few Minutes Later. 3rd Party P.O.V

"Addie! Some Cute guy is at the door!" Zaria Called.

"FYI, I am not 'Some Cute Guy', I am 'Some Hot Guy.'" Adrienne heard as she made her way into the living room. She immediately stopped when she caught a glimpse of the face outside the door, that face, and that voice, could only belong to the best singer of the best band ever.

She stepped into the doorway. "And why, may I ask, is Billie Joe Armstrong standing on my doorstep?" Adrienne asked nervously.

"Well, We kinda have a problem, and we believe you can help us solve it."He replied.

A blonde girl and a black haired guy stepped in beside Billie Joe.
Adrienne took a step back.
"Pinch me I'm dreaming. No way could the best three singers in the music world be standing on my doorstep." She said.

"Well that saves us the introduction, obviously, this girl knows good music, aye?" Came the Canadian accent of Avril Lavigne.
"Yeah. Now, pack your bags you're coming with us Addie." Gerard Way said, stepping into the house.
Adrienne just nodded, trancelike, then realized what was going on.
"I have to drop off my little sister first." She said before shouting down the hall, "Zaria, sweetie, you gotta go home early, M'Kay?" There was a muffled 'M'hmm.' as Zaria threw her IPod in her bag and grabbed her book and came into the living room.

"Still can't believe The Used has gone missing!" Zaria said, slipping through the door and out into the car to wait for her sister.
Knowing and frightened looks flashed on the singers faces for less than a minute before it was gone....
♠ ♠ ♠
Adrienne is 19 and lives on her own in her own house, and her 13 year old sister comes to hand out every now and then.