Watch Out !

Through Kodak's eyes.

Kodak sighed. The early morning light was his enemy and he was just too tired for it anyways. He stretched out then looked over at the boy next to him.


Kean was his boyfriend of two years. He was a cute boy, always trying to surpass Kodak, but always failing. It was just who he was. He sighed then he looked at him then he shook him. "K, It's time for school." Luckily they went to school together.

* * *

The car ride there was torture. Keane was quiet and he hadn't said rarely two words t him except, "Ok Kodak." This was so unlike Keane.

While he parked, he locked the doors and he looked over at him, "Keane.. What's the matter?" Kodak whispered gently to his boyfriend.

"I can't believe you were going to go away without telling me.." His words were like a knife, piercing his heart.

He was going away. It was senior year and there were only a few months left of school. Kodak was heading off to college while Keane was towards 11th grade. Kodak didn't know when he was going to tell him. He thought that leaving would mean the young boy would experience new things. Date a girl maybe.

"I didn't want you up-..."

"Of course I was going to be upset, Kodak! Your my god damn boyfriend!" He yelled at him. "Just unlock the car. I'll be walking home today." He murmured, staring back at the window.

Kodak did as he said then he sat there, watching him walk away. He didn't want this to end yet.. He wanted to show Keane the ways of how he could live in a life without him. Without men.

2 * Years * Before *

Keane was just thirteen when Kodak had made his move. It started after school:

Kodak smiled as he looked at the boy, Keane, sitting on the curb. He jogged up to him and sat next to him, wrapping a gentle arm around his waist. "Keane, why are you so sad today?" He whispered, leaning his chin against his shoulder.

Keane was staring down, like usual. "I'm failing.." He whispered, then he said, "My mom is going to kill me when she finds out.."

"I'm sure that can be worked out, K." That day, was the first time he had called him that. It started something regularly between him and Keane.

"It won't be.." Keane cried out and held his head in his hands as the small tears trickled down his small cheeks.

Kodak was crushed by this. He didn't like seeing him upset, so, he tried to help out.

He lifted the boy up onto his lap and he kissed the back of his head lightly. "Keane, why don't you come over to my place and we can watch some movies, alright? It'll be easier to tell your mom after we've talked, ok?" He whispered then he rubbed the boys chest lightly, holding him close.

"K-Kodak.. This isn't r-r-right.." Keane stuttered out. Oh did Kodak love that stutter.

"It's just two boys, talking to each other Keane. Nothing is wrong. I promise." He whispered then he kissed his cheek softly, smiling.

The little boy was confused. He had grown up in a Christian family, knowing that homosexuality was wrong; or so he thought.

"Y-You're touching me.." He whispered and he wiggled a little, whimpering out softly.

"Keane.. Please.. Understand.." Kodak looked at him, his eyes pleading for acceptance of who Kodak was. A homosexual.

"I can't Kodak!" He cried and quickly moved himself away from the older boy. "I can't Kodak.. I'm so sorry.." He cried then he ran home, off away into the on coming darkness.

Why was Kodak so hurt? He was sixteen for Christ sake! Keane was so young and helpless.. He needed guidence in this scary world. Kodak knew what he had to do.

The next morning, the boy waited outside his house, sitting on the curb. When he heard the front door close, and the small feet walking down to thewalk way, he got up and faced him. "Keane. Please. You have to accept me, or I can't go on.. I love you."

Keane froze, staring at the six foot tall boy. W-What had he said? He.. A boy, loved him.. Another boy. "K-Kodak.. I can't. It wasn't gods will to have two men be in love and make love to eachother."

Kodak looked at him then he grabbed his hand, moving down the street, to a small patch of woods he knew very well. He pushed him against a tree and he whispered, "If it wasn't gods will, then why do I have feelings like this?" He inched his face closer to Keane's.

"K-Kodak.. Please.. M-My mom will hate me.." He cried softly, looking up at him, dropping his bookbag to the ground.

Kodak leaned in and pressed their lips together, kissing the boy softly. "We can be together, and no one will know Keane.. I promise. My parents accept me, and they will accept you.." He whisperd, looking at him.

Keane felt his eyes close and he then opened them again. "I love you too Kodak, for the man that you are."

* * *

Kodak got out of the car then he headed into the main building, backpack slung over his shoulders. Why did Keane hate him so much now? Why did two years change him so much?

All of these questions were soon to be answered.. In time, Kodak would have to realize he was what he had become.