Watch Out !

Through Kodak's eyes.

He wasn't surprised to be hurt so badly after that morning, but through out the day, he was rejected every time. When home finally came, he drove very slowly. When he got there, Keane was waiting at the front door, not having the keys.

"Hurry up. I have a test to study for!" He grumbled at Kodak, staring at his feet.

"We have to talk first." He whispered and opened the door, grabbing Keane's hand and pulling him to the couch. "What questions do you have about this?"

"Why are you leaving me alone? Why aren't you taking me? and why do I still get to be your boyfriend if your leaving me soon?"

Kodak winced at the last question, hurting slightly. It was normal for a fifteen year old to act that way. He remembered.

"I don't want to leave you alone, but I applied for different college's and that college was the last one I applied for and no one else accepted me. I don't know if I can take you or not, and plus, you'd be on your own everyday. I'd have my dorm and the last question.. You're still my boyfriend because I still love you ad that'll never change." Kodak spoke truthfully will all of the questions.

"You don't love me Kodak." Keane said bluntly, watching him closely. "You love someone else, it's obvious why you went that far away from me to be there. To be with who? Jacob? Alexzander? Jon? Tell me, who then I can go back to my old home." He whispered angrily.

"It's got nothing about who goes there or doesn't Keane!" He argued with him, "It is what I want to do in my life is why I want to go there Keane."

Keane sat there, staring at the ground, small tears running down his face. This was the first time he had seen him cry since he was thirteen.

"No.. Keane please don't cry.." He whimpered and he pulled him onto his lap, kissing the back of his head, rubbing his chest. Exactly like when he was thirteen.

"I haven't cried in two years.. So amazing.." He whispered then he looked at him, "I'm scared Kodak.. I'm not even the age to be knowing I'm gay.. And.." He shook his head, looking down again. "My parents.." He cried a little more.

Kodak felt his small body shaking in his arms. It hurt him so much that he did this to Keane. "You.." He shook his head and he whispered, "I should have left you a few years.. Grown up a little more.. You were so young.. You didn't know a thing.."

"You showed me something I would have never figured out Kody.. It was love for someone that is just like me. A man." He whispered and pressed their lips together in a small, loving kiss. "I don't want to think that you hurt me.. I just want to think that your going to be doing bigger and better things while I try my hardest to be as smart as you."

Kodak looked at the boy and he pushed him softly onto the couch, laying on him lightly, "I refuse to leave you alone in this world K.. Your too young to be out there, by yourself." He whispered and kissed him softly, pressing their bodies together. "I love you Keane Jakoby Ashlan Heart. For the man that you are..."

* * *

It was ticking into the early morning hours. Four a.m. to be exact. Kean was asleep, wrapped in the silk sheets of Kodak's bed. He couldn't believe he had taken something.. So precious to Keane.

But he had to remember, it was Keane, who agreed.

His virginity was his now, and no one else would have it.

3 * Hours * Before *

"I love you Keane Jakoby Ashlan Heart. For the man that you are." Kodak whispered against his lips, kissing him a little bit more.

"And I love you too Kodak James Veil. For the man that you have always been."

* * *

Why did his words bring him back to the little tyke he missed? Why did they make him feel as though he had stolen more then his virginity? Why?

When the sun began to rise, he looked at him and he shook his lover awake, whispering, "K, it's time for school."

Keane wiggled a little then his eyes began to open. "Good morning Kodak." He whispered, smiling lightly.

"G-Good morning to you too." Kodak whispered back then he kissed his forehead, bottom lip quivering slightly before pulling away.

"Spring break is soon. Want to go on a vacation? I'll ask my parents for the car and then we can go camping or whatever?" Kodak murmured these words as he looked for his black skinny jeans.

Keane walked over and then he wrapped his small arms around the boys slim figure, and he pressed his bare body against Kodak's. "Why are you so tense now? Why are you so upset? Please talk to me." He whispered.

"I didn't want to wake you up..."

"But, I am awake now and your tense. Let me help you with it please." Keane started to pull him towards the bed.

"Keane.." He whispered breathlessly. He seemed so grown up now. Not fifteen, but twenty, even older.

"Let me make you un-tense." He whispered and he laid Kodak onto the bed and he sat on his chest, kissing him softly, slowly.

Kodak looked up at him, with soft eyes. He pulled his lips away then he whispered, "Why are you so gentle now, K?" He whispered, looking at him lightly.

"Because, you took something from me, that I wouldn't want anyone else to take except for you.. I love you so much," He whispered softly.

"You.." He kissed him softly and the love making process started all over again.