Watch Out !

Through Keane's eyes.

The morning was a wonderful thing to him. The world he once new was differnet and Kodak, acted better. Something he wanted for so long.

"Breakfast is ready!" Keane called to his lover, scraping the pancakes and eggs onto two plates. They were skipping school today, to get rest and do what they do best, talk and make love. It was all new to him, the moans and groans and the name moaning stuff.

He was scared.

But not too much.

Kodak had told him that nothing was going to happen and that everything would feel wonderful, but it was going to hurt a little.

That part, was an understatement. Kodak was too big for him, maybe. He felt the pain even now. Keane knew that Kodak could sense his wincing.

"Thank you my love." Kodak said softly into his ear and grabbed a plate, kissing his cheek softly. "You still in pain?" He asked as he sat down.

When Keane moved to his seat and sat down, he felt the pain, radiating against his small butt. "J-Just a little. Not that bad though." He whispered, looking at the plate.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." He whispered and then he said, "I didn't mean to force you into h-.."

"You didn't force me. I agreed." Kean cut him off, once again. The second time in two days. Not very normal for him.

"Oh.." Kodak mumbled then he started to eat.

'What is he thinking? Am I not enough for him? Did I suck? Did I say something wrong? Am I too small for him maybe?' The questions that were never to be asked and never to be answered. He knew some things were always better off left unsaid.
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Okay, so this is very small, but, Keane is not very interesting to me right now and i'm in a hurry! I'll finish later tonight <3