Status: active; writing continuously; updates often

Girl Next Door

Let's get this done

The rain poured down, as if the sky had just opened up out of nowhere. I was a couple of blocks from my dads resturaunt and I could already smell the smell of the pizza from here. It wsa hot, so the rain drenching me didn't bother near as bad anymore. I was on my way to meet Angela, Sam's new girlfriend. They'd been dating a little less then me and Roger have been, and I hadn't seen Sam in forever. I opened the door, the bell chiming over my head and searched for the table. Sam was sitting at the regular table, the one we had sat at everyday since we were little kids. I sat across from him smiling.

"Hey!" he said excitedly. "How're you?"

"I'm good, kinda wet, you?" I said sarcastically pulling my hair up in a tight, messy bun. "Wheres this Angela I've been hearing about?"

"She went to the bathroom, she'll be back in a minute. Gives us time to catch up. How's Roger?"

"Rog, well, he's okay. He's working right now, or he'd be here with me." I said glancing across the street and the hardware store. This town was small, everything you needed was pretty much on one block. Roger had been working at the hardware store for almost a year now.

"Oh, well, it's a shame he can't be here." he said as a tall blonde hair girl sat down beside him. "Brit, this is Angela. Angela this is my best friend Britanny."

"It's nice too meet you, finally. I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things, I would hope." I said smiling. Sam had outdone himself with this one. Typically he dated slutty looking girls who didn't know the difference between a spoon and a fork. She actually looked decent. She seemed more reserved then I had expected her to be.

"Oh yes. He's always telling me little stories about how you guys grew up. Your dad is the co-owner of this place right?"

I laughed. "Yeah. That would be my dad. Him and Sam's dad were the best of friends in high school, kinda like me and Sam are." Sams eyes got big when the sound of the bell from the door rang. It was either Roger coming in on break, or one of his ex's. I felt someone kiss the top of my head and sit beside me. Roger.

"Hey sweetie." I said smiling up at him. He towered me by atleast six inches.

"Heya. Mind if I join you guys for a bite? I'm on lunch." he said looking at Sam. He and Sam didnt get along all that well, that's the main reason why Sam and I hadn't hung out in a while.

"I guess. Roger, this is Angela, my girlfriend. Ang, this is Brit's boyfriend Roger." Sam said reluctantly. I looked at him apologetic while Roger nodded at Angela. I loved Roger, a lot, and There was something strong between Angela and Sam. Hopefully, we could all just get along. My mom came and took Ang's order, already knowing what the rest of us wanted and walked away. The table got scary and uncomforably quiet.