‹ Prequel: Finding Her Voice

The Dark Asylum

Aiden and Emily

I sighed as another harsh day began. I woke up and went down to breakfast. I was one of the lucky ones who weren’t locked in my room for all eternity. Unlike them I actually was not mental, crazy, insane, "special", whatever you want to call it. I mean did I fucking ask to be drugged and it takes two years to get fucking drugs out of your system. Two years in this hell-hole. I keep asking Aiden to just kill me know. But no, he'd "miss me to much".

I walked down the dirty halls, stained in blood and tears, and passed the barred door into the cafeteria. I went in line with the twenty people who were, I think, not mental just unfortunate and got my breakfast. Yum! Oatmeal, I love oatmeal, five times a week.

I walked over to where Aiden was sitting and sat on the opposite side of him. I stared at him for a minute as he picked at his oatmeal and didn't say a word to me. I got worried. Aiden is the only thing keeping me from actually going insane, but why is he so quiet? He's always the bubbly one who is cheering me up.

“what’s wrong? You're never this quiet. What's on your mind, sweetheart?" I asked. He just kind of looked at me. I could tell whatever was on his mind; it was big and something dangerous.

"I need to tell you something but not here or now. Tonight at our spot after curfew," he said in a whisper. I nodded my head and took a bite out of my so called food.

I noticed Aiden getting a bit happier telling me about what it was like before he came here. I smiled and laughed at all the stories he told me. I was listening intently when I heard some shouting. I normally just ignored it but, that voice... it sounded so familiar....

~flash back~
I looked him deep in the eyes and he smiled and started to tear up.

We sat there in each others embrace for what seemed like in eternity. I felt so warm, so complete.

Suddenly he let go of me and I felt cold and incomplete like a child who has lost her teddy bear in the middle of the night. I looked at him and he just smiled.

I did not think it was very funny. I lost my teddy bear, my Mikey.

He must have noticed that I wasn't ready to let go just yet because he hugged me again.

"I love you, Mikey bear," I whispered.

Mikey bear, I like it, I thought to myself

"'Mikey bear?'," he asked

~end of flashback~

"Baby you okay?," Aiden asked. I shook my head no and ran out of the room, through these damn halls, and to my room. I collapsed on my bed in tears. I sat there for a few seconds crying when I felt Aiden pull me into his arms and rocked me to sleep.

He was used to this, my flash backs, and he always knew what to do to make it better. I cuddled close to him and drifted of to sleep.