‹ Prequel: Finding Her Voice

The Dark Asylum

Dr. Mengele

Aiden's P.O.V

"She’s such an angel," I thought to myself as I left her room. "Someone as sweet as her should not! be in a place like this,". I walked down the corridors and into the bathroom. I went into the stall knowing damn well I should not be in this bathroom the only clean one. The one were only wardens were aloud to piss in. I went in a stall and taped an out of order sign to it.

I stood on the stall waiting. I was nervous. Who knew what would happen to me if I was caught. Just then the door opened and two wardens walked in. I could here them talking. I stood as still as possible as I heard them unzip there pants to pee.

"hey peter, how do u like this place, good first week?" the warden asked

"It's pretty cool. I like this job but, I really don't understand what she’s going to do with these mental cases," peter said

It took a lot of strength not to beat the living shit out of them right now. I may be short but that doesn't mean I'm not strong.

"Well you ever wonder why so many people disappear?" the other warden asked peter. I couldn't see but I assumed he nodded his head yes because the other dude went on.

"Well here we do experiments on people and its less obvious if it’s a mental patient because its easy too say they hung there selves or jumped in the lake. The doctor here does many different experiments." he continued

"Hey... That kind of reminds me of Dr, Mengle, you know that guy who took people from the concentration camps and experimented on them," peter said

"want to know a secret,” the warden said


"Well this is Dr. mengele, he’s his grandson and its always been his dream to continue his grandpas dreams. That guy is my mentor I am proud to work alongside of him," the warden said

"me too," peter said

I bit my lip to keep from gasping.

I got to get Emily out of this place
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is it just me or is this story starting to get more and more depressing by the minute