‹ Prequel: Finding Her Voice

The Dark Asylum

Forever and ever

Aiden's P.O.V

Once I thought it was safe I creped out of the stall and exited the bathroom. I walked out the door and was immediately thrown against a wall and I heard a voice too close to my ear.

"You silly boy, you know to much now. Wait till you see what the Dr. has in store for you.

My screams mixed with the screams from the other patients and out of the corner of my eye I saw some one holding down Emily, keeping her from getting to me . I cried, I knew I would never see her smiling face ever again. Here her laugh, feel her cuddling into me at night. For ever and ever I whispered. Though she was farther away by the second ,as they dragged me to the basement ,were no one has set foot in, I could here in my head.

I love you Aiden
And I cried

Emily's P.O.V

I woke up. I knew something wasn't right with Aiden; we’ve developed that kind of connection, weird I know.

I sat up in bed trying to think what time it was when I heard a scream. At first I ignored, I mean screaming and a mental institution they fit perfectly so its nothing out of the ordinary right?

I was about to go back to sleep when I heard the scream again and I knew. I just knew it was Aiden. I got up and ran out of my room were I saw a guard pulling him down the corridor. I screamed and ran over too him but some guard held me back. I knew I would never feel him hold me and sing me to sleep ever again. I saw Aiden whisper something and I blacked out.

Forever and ever...those words echoed through my head.

I love you Aiden
And I cried
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I'm sorry for lack of update iv been so busy with finals and cello stuff and drama and when i did have the time i was overly exhausted and i was passed out. so I'm sorry but up dates should come sooner know i promise .