Status: gonna try and update as often as i can :)

I'll Keep You, My Dirty Little Secret

Na Na Na


I really didn’t want to be partnered with anyone on this assignment let alone Frank “King of the Jocks” Iero and he’d made it pretty clear that he wasn’t happy about the arrangement either, however at Miss Young’s insistence we had exchanged numbers.

It was a few days before I heard from Frank.

“Yeah hi, it’s Frank, listen I really don’t think this little arrangement of ours is going to work out so you think you could just whip something up and put both our names on it?”. Now I may have been a quiet person and never really kicked up a fuss about things but I wasn’t about to sit there and let other people take credit for my hard work.
“No you listen Frank I’m not going to do your work for you so you’ll work with me on it tomorrow after school or I’ll forfeit the assignment and we’ll both fail and I’d like to see you weasel your popular little ass out of that one”. Frank, stuttering slightly from shock at my unheard of outburst managed only to tell me that we’d go to his place after school before hanging up. I have to admit, yelling at him made me feel better. I sat back on my bed, grabbed my black and white fender bass and strummed the riff of Green Day’s Longview. I honestly could not get enough of the bassline of that song; just hearing it sent shivers down my spine. While I played I thought about the English assignment and what kind of band I wanted to make, I know I wanted 5 members and that I wanted to mix up the genres a bit, I didn’t want your typical punk band or metal band but I didn’t want to jump on this “fusion” bandwagon either. I sighed, put my bass down and lay back on my bed where I drifted off to sleep.


I was still thinking about the way that Harley had yelled at me on the phone. In the whole time I’d known her I’d never heard so much as a peep out of her unless she was asked a question by a teacher. I don’t really know why it was bothering me so much, I’d had plenty of girls yell at me and even more yell out my name if you catch my drift. I supposed I was just shocked. I was dead tired from the eventful evening I’d spent with Nina so I put Black Flag on quietly on my stereo and went to bed.

I woke up early the next morning, showered and threw on a pair of jean, an Affliction t-shirt and a pair of etnies. Today was the day Harley and I were going to start working on our project. I had to admit it was the coolest school assignment I’d ever had. I left my pyjamas and towel on the floor as I figured that the housekeeper would clean them up while she was here. I grabbed my car keys and my letterman jacket and headed downstairs to the kitchen where I helped myself to a bowl of lucky charms and a cup of coffee. My parents weren’t home as usual, both my parents were away on business all the time which explained why we had so much money and a nice house but sometimes I’d like to give it al up just to have a normal family. I put my empty bowl and mug in the sink and got into my car and drove to Nina’s house where she was waiting outside in a sexy little dress. She sauntered over to the passenger’s side and hopped in. “Hey baby” she smiled giving me a kiss. I grinned and started the car. She spent the whole ride to school blabbering about some chick, I tuned out after the first two seconds but Nina actually didn’t need anyone to listen to her rantings just someone to be near her so she didn’t look like she was talking to herself. We arrived at school fashionably late. I kissed Nina and left her at her homeroom and continued walking down the hall. I was dreading after school but at least I didn’t have English today so I had the whole day to psyche myself up before then. I took a deep breath and sauntered into my class.
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Okay so this chapter is dedicated to AngelMadeFromNeon who is amazing and you should all read her story conceal it with a smile.

Also sorry if the spellings bad I had acrylic nails done nd it makes typing extremel hard, yet strangely ebough i can still play bass fine

anyway kiddies comments? subscription??
