Ski action

Ski action

“So who do you think will win the race tomorrow?”
“I don’t know but it won’t be Allegra”.
There is a group of people over by cabin 9 they are whispering about something. Kalori begins to walk over so she can ask what they are talking about and why they are standing outside Allegra’s cabin.
* * * *
“What’s all this then” asks Kalori.
They all jumped in shock because they did not see her coming.
“So why won’t Allegra win the race tomorrow, she has as much of a chance of winning as you do”
“No she doesn’t! She is to upset about her sister, she’s vanished”.
* * * *
Kalori gasp’s and begins to run over to her cabin to be equipped with all the gear needed for yet another mission.
“Sergeant we have a missing child on our hands”.
”Ok get ready” says the man in the disguised watch.
* * * *
“I shall equip you with the basics freeze ray, heat ray, gunge gun, net and my personal favorite the jet pack back pack”.
“Ok I’m ready sergeant”
“Griff should be outside waiting for you”
Kalori leaves her cabin and meets Griff outside.
“Come on Kalori we’ve got a child to save”.
* * * *
“Yes” Kalori answers her phone.
“We have located the area that Zoe is being held in ,it is in the South-West of the forest now don’t just stand around chatting get to work!”
“Ok lets go, the South-West is over the other side of the woods we better stay alert, who knows what’s lurking in there”.
* * * *
So Kalori and Griff get out their snow boards.
Kalori has snow flakes as a design on hers.
Griff has a nice red one with his name on it.
They begin to go down the hill full speed dodging all of the trees in the way. Suddenly they stop and see something in the snow.
* * * *
They are snow mobile tracks in the snow they head towards the South-West.
“Lets follow them” Griff says as he begins to follow the tracks full pelt.
After about 10 minutes Kalori and Griff spot an old building in a small opening the snow mobile tracks lead into the building.
“Keep down and be quiet as they tiptoe behind the crates they hear a loud noise”.
* * * *
It is coming straight at them Kalori and Griff freeze and try not to make a sound.
“I was wondering when you were going to get here”
A failure face pops around the side its Allegra.
“Come on there are only 5 guards lets go save my sister”
As all three children enter the old building they see 3 guards sitting with there backs the them.
“I don’t think they have seen us yet lets try to sneak past them”
As they make their way over to the next door the see a the door is open they can see a young girl sitting on a chair its Zoe.
* * * *
Kalori gets out her freeze ray and freezes all of the guards it’s a direct hit they can’t move.
“Right Allegra you go untie your sister’ me and Griff will go and get the man who kidnapped your sister”.
They all run in, Griff runs as fast as he can and rugby tackles him to the ground.
“Sergeant we need back up” Kalori says into her disguised
“Don’t worry we have a grope of agents waiting outside for you good one that is another mission in the bag.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope its ok