Summer in Little Whinging

A newly separated Michael Clarke recently relocated to Little Whinging, Surrey from his comfortable home in London because of his job. He and his estranged wife share custody of their teenage daughter Eleanor. After buying a house and starting his new job, Michael decides to make use of an extra bedroom. He persuaded his wife to allow Eleanor to live with him only during the summer before she begins school. Eleanor was hesitant of living with her dad during the summer but decides to try it out for a year.

Photo: Summer Breeze by Ninruz
  1. Day One
    Michael and Eleanor Clarke meet their new neighbors.
  2. Day One Part Two
    Uncle Vernon comes into the mix
  3. Day One Part Three
    Conclusion of Day One
  4. Day Two
    Eleanor, Harry and Dudley go to the mall
  5. Day Two Part Two
    Conclusion of Day Two
  6. Day Five
    Micheal and Eleanor get a visit from family members