Summer in Little Whinging

Day One Part Three

Night followed Petunia's crazed rant about how Eleanor tricked her husband. She threw a temper tantrum and destroyed a few objects. She noticed what she did and snapped at Harry to clean her mess. The crazed woman stomped her way upstairs and slammed the door of her bedroom. While throwing away the bits of a broken plate in the trash, Harry silently laughed and attempted to head to his room also. He was stopped by his uncle.

"Sit next to Dudley, boy." Vernon told him.

Harry gritted his teeth and sat down next to his round cousin. Vernon began walking behind the couch, looking forward as if he is a drill Sargent. Dudley was making odd noises and Harry leaned forward to see what was wrong with him. His face looks like someone dabbed pink and red makeup on him. He swayed from left to right and he actually giggled.

'What's wrong with this bloke?' Harry thought.

The sound of Vernon slamming his hand on the cushion caused Dudley to yelp. He stuck his leg out, one by one. When he stopped walking and stood in front of the two teens it seemed like his stomach jiggled a bit.

"You two were at the Clarke residence. Right?"

"Yes." Harry said in an indifferent tone. Dudley shook his head for what seemed like an eternity.

"Now, your mother said our new neighbors were acting very rudely towards her. Is that true?"

Dudley was the first to make a sound. He opened his large mouth and let out a gasp. Harry expected to here him scream at the top of his voice, he was right.

"What?! Ellie would never act like that! I think mum is making it up because she didn't get her way." He huffed and crossed his arms against his chest.

'He really thinks he's in a relationship with her.' Harry thought. 'If she heard him say that, she will probably punch him in the jaw. I guess that's second base for Dudley.'

Vernon was bobbing his head like a parrot and agreed with Dudley's statement. The smirk that formed on Harry's face caused him to snap.

"What are you smiling about, boy?"

"Nothing. I was just-" Harry began.

"Never mind you. Go away." Vernon fanned him away. Harry was more than happy to leave. "So, her name is Eleanor?" Harry heard her Uncle ask.

"Her nickname is Ellie." Dudley said slowly and harshly.

"I see you two are becoming serious."

When he entered his bedroom, Harry threw his head back and let out a loud and long snort. Near the window Hedwig sat in her cage and stared at Harry. She seemed to tilt her head to the side. Harry searched his dresser drawer for clothing. He exited the room with another snort.

Several minutes later, Harry returned wearing his pajamas. He slipped into bed and placed the covers over him. Hedwig focused her attention on him and he began talking to her.

"Today was an interesting day." He began. "A family moved in next door. Well, they're more like a broken family since the girl's parents aren't together." He rambled. "Anyways. She's nice and so is her dad. Her name is Eleanor or as Dudley like to call her, Ellie."

He looked outside his window and stared at the Clarke's residence. There was a flickering of light coming from the window adjacent to his. He assumed it was a candle because the light moved back and forth. Then a silhouette appeared. Hands moved to the head and removed something. From the length of the hair Harry knew it is Eleanor. He watched her silhouette move to a hidden part of the room and come back.

What he saw next made him feel like a peeping tom. She was stepping out of her clothes. Her hand lazily tossed the garment on the floor. Harry ducked when he noticed the window being lifted. Hedwig rustled in her cage and watched her owner. The temperature was rising in his body when he lifted his head up. Eleanor was holding a candle and blew it out. A sudden breeze passed by the two houses and caused the drapes in her room to go outward.

Eleanor left the window alone and entered her bed.

Harry felt his heart pounding out of his chest. He removed his glasses and placed it on an end table. He rested on his side and slowly went to sleep.

It was around 3 in the morning when he heard something gently tapping his window. He placed the pillow over his head as an attempt to block the sound. The tapping turned more aggressive and constant. Giving up, he threw his pillow to the side and opened the window. Something furry and soft brushed against his arm. He sat up and searched for his glasses. All he could see was a blurry, ruddy figure with green or gold eyes sitting in front of him. When he finally placed his glasses on he had a clearer view of this thing.

A ruddy Somali cat sat in front of him. The gold tag around its neck shined in the moonlight that entered Harry's room. Its pupils are rather large but he could still see it's great green eyes. It's tail moved back and forth. The cat let out a meow and the piece of parchment in it's mouth fell on the bed. Harry reach for it and read the words.

Sorry, I know it's late but I felt like talking. I hope you don't mind.'

Harry wondered who would send him this in the middle of the night. The ink on the parchment is a bit wet. The cat looked to it's right and meowed. He removed a book from under his bed and ink. He placed the objects in front of him and began to write.

'It's okay. I don't mind. Ellie.'

He folded the parchment and the cat took it in it's mouth. (Harry found out it was a girl when it jumped out the window.) Moments later the cat reentered his room with the parchment.

Great! The cat is mine by the way. Her name is Diana. And how did you know my nickname is Ellie? Eleanor replied.

Harry read the name on the tag. Yep, her name is Diana. Diana brushed Harry cheek and purred.

'Well, that's Dudley's nickname for you.'

Diana received the parchement and out the window she went.

Ew! Since he's using that, please call me Lennie.

Diana was sent back and forth between houses, returning and receiving the parchment. The front side of it was filled so Eleanor started using the back. Harry wondered how Diana was able to get back and forth with being injured. He stuck his head outside the window and watched the cat. Diana carefully walked across the fence between the two houses and entered Eleanor's window. When Diana reentered Harry's room she sat next to Hedwig. Hedwig moved a bit in her cage. Diana held her paw up and tried to pet the snowy white bird. Hedwig fidgeted and acted like she was going to be eaten by the domestic cat. Harry told her to stop.

An hour turned into two. A sheet of parchment turned into three. 5 A.M. turned into sunrise. Eleanor stopped sending Harry parchment and the two went to sleep. It didn't last long.
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