Love The Way You Lie

I can only tell you what it feels like...

Sometimes, when she wasn't around, he felt like he couldn't breathe. It was like she was the only reason he was still alive. But other times it was the complete opposite; he had to be away from her. And she wasn't keeping him alive, she was draining the life from him.

But at the end of everyday that feeling of needing her was normally there. And most of the time she couldn't be. Most of the time she was hundreds to thousands of miles away, sleeping alone in their bed. While he was stuck cramped in his bunk; wanting her there.

Maybe that's why Alex barley slept when he was home. He would spend almost full nights just staying up and watching her sleep: next to him, where she belonged. Maybe he was trying to burn the image of her next to him in his brain in hopes of remembering it while he was alone on tour.

"Are you gonna sleep? or stay up and watch me all night?" Stella mumbled in her sleep ridden state looking up at him through her bangs.

Alex chuckled and brushed the bangs off her face, "When you say it like that it sounds creepy."

"And it sorta is." She laughed back, scooting up off his chest to be eye level. "What on your mind?"

"Just thinking about a lot of things i guess" Alex shrugged.

Stella frowned, she knew that wasn't it, but let it go. It would only start another fight. And she really didn't want that. "About what?" she kept it simple. Hoping he would give her a simple one back.

Alex thought for a second and got a smile on his face, "Well the main thing is i cant sleep, there is to much fucking room in his bed."

"What? are you crazy? Too much room?" stella laughed shaking her head, "There is never enough room."

"I am used to a bunk with barley enough space for me. This is too much." He said seriously. And again Stella began to mentally question his sanity.

With a sigh she untangled herself from Alex and stood up, pulling him by his hand, "Come on."

"what are we doing?" he asked, getting up anyway.

Stella ignored him, grabbing the blanket and pulling him down the stair into the living room. "Lay down." she pointed to the couch. Alex gave her a look but knew better then to question it. She threw the blanket over him and the crawled in, pulling it over their heads. "Now go to sleep."

"Quick question, what is this about?"

"You used to a smaller space, i figured this was as close as i could get you to a bunk so maybe you will stop creepin on me when i sleep." She mumbled, already half alseepin in his chest again.

Alex smiled, holding her tighter. Things like this made him realize why he was so in love with her in the first place.