Only at Night Can We Escape

Chapter Two- Turning Tables

*One of the main reasons that the Federalists were able to ratify the Constitution was because of the Federalist Papers. Can anyone tell me who wrote them?* Sister May asked from the front of the classroom.

Sister May was immensely well educated in the field of history, but completely unaware to her surroundings. Ethan and I were the only ones in the classroom. Being the only two juniors in the whole orphanage, they kept us separate from the other small children during the school day. Sister May, being one of the nicer nuns never quite got over the fact that she wasn’t exactly teaching a whole class.

Ethan looked over at me, the same tired, yet amused grin playing on his face. I smiled back at him, agreeing. It was ridiculous; we both could have been graduated by now if it wasn’t for the lack of a good education system at St. Boniface’s.

*Mr. Jacobs, do you know who wrote them?* she asked Ethan smiling at him, her yellowing teeth catching the light.

*Yes, sister. John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison.* he answered, his deep voice echoing in the large, empty classroom.

*Very nice, now here is an article from one of them written by Hamilton. I would like you too work in groups and interpret them. *She said, passing out the pamphlets.

We finished the work in half the time we were allowed.

*You know, Rays, I’m sick of this place,*he said randomly while we waited to go to dinner.

*Me too, you have no idea. * I replied, while putting my head on the desk.

*No, Rayen I’m dead serious, I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired of having to go to bed at 9 o’clock everyday and not being able to let my hair grow longer than three inches. I’m tired of not being able to go see movies that are rated higher than G. I hate sharing a room with a ten –year-old and having to eat food that doesn’t taste good and doesn’t fill me up. I’m just tired of it and I want out!* he ranted. I sat there just staring at him. My deep blue eyes wide, I had never seen him like this. He was always the calm, collected one and I was the loud angry stereotypical teen. When did we switch places?

*Ethan, we have seven more months then we’re out. We’ll be able to do whatever we want. This place will be just another bad memory.* I tried to reason with him, but his almost black eyes were filled with a belligerent anger that I had only seen on occasion. Like, the time the nuns rapped my knuckles with a meter stick until they were bruised. Ethan looked it up. It’s illegal. He had the same look then too.

*No, Rayen, I’m done. I know you are too, whether you say it or not. I know it’s true, I see it everyday in your eyes. You’ve been here longer than I have and I can’t imagine the impatience you’re going through. We need to get out and we need to get out now.* He had leaned over the desk and was close to my face, my breath caught when I noticed how close we were. He smelled like shampoo and rain.

*I know, but we can’t, we’re stuck. Just seven more months, we can do it. We’ve done it so far,* I started to reason again, but he cut me off.

*I thought you were the reckless one, I guess I was wrong.* He turned from me then and stood up and simultaneously the bell rang and he headed out the door.

I sighed and followed him, jogging to keep up with his tall frame. *Ethan come here! Come on, you just talking nonsense it won’t work! It can’t! We are both stuck here for another seven months, I know it sucks, but come on we can do it.* I started again, but he cut me off again. My calmness now was wavering and anger started to bottle up inside me.

*No, Rays, we can’t. Maybe you can, but I can’t.* he sighed, looking down at me with a sad smile.

I wasn’t use to his behavior like this. He was always joking about and laughing. He was never angry or sad. But I suppose he’s human too.

At dinner, we were silent. He finished before me and waited for me. I had lost my appetite and pushed my plate across to him. He finished my meal. He usually does.
*Rays, I’m sorry I was being awful earlier. I’m just really fed up, is all. I know you understand.* He said to me before we went our separate ways.

*It’s all right, Ethan. But, I’m just curious what, what brought this on? I mean it’s usually me who is yelling about this shit.* I said, folding my arms.

*Don’t cuss, Rays,” I rolled my eyes. *I can’t really say, I just am, okay?”

*I don’t like it when you lie to me.* I said, smirking at him. I was the liar, almost too good at the trade. Sometimes, I would be late for class just so I could lie about where I was. Lying is like my hobby, I enjoy it.

*Oh, Ray, you know me too well. I should really just leave the deceitfulness up to you.* He said, a droopy smile playing on his features.

*I know, and you are going to tell me how this all came about. I suppose, I can wait until you’re ready.* I said, rolling my eyes. I was impatient, but if it meant something to him then I could wait.

*Thanks Rays, I’ll see you tomorrow,* he said and then he did something I wasn’t expecting. He leaned down, his mouth close to my ear and whispered, *Keep your window open.*And turned and walked away.

The Longing feeling filled me as I watched him go. It always came when he left, but now I was feeling something else. Excitement. Not something, I was use too. I was use too being bored and having a monotonous routine, but now it was being shaken up. I have to say, excitement was a good feeling.

*Lights out!* I heard from the hallway. The clock on the wall read 9:02P.M. I laid down in my cot and waited to hear the footsteps fade. When I heard them disappear and the door shut I got up and walked over to my small window. I opened it as wide as it would go and stepped back and sat on my cot, to wait.
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It would be charmant if there was a comment? I have a lot more chapter written up. Merci.