Status: fin

Oh Life's Little Wonders


My pencil flew over the page, taking in everything around me; the pink blossoms that hung on the limbs of the trees, the dew that coated the spring green grass, the laughter that filled the air and ears of those who were around to listen. I studied the people as they passed me by, sitting at the base of a tree, my back against the trunk, my nose in a journal.

Closing my eyes, I listened to the world as I knew it, and embraced the world that stood beneath it all; the lies that tainted the streets, the tears that stained the sidewalks, and the blood that was shed across the pavement. I clung to the sense of peace I’d obtained in that instant, wishing that I could stay in the moment forever.

A ring of gun shots pierced through my consciousness and I knew it was time to go. My eyes raked over the park one last time. There was a tugging in my gut that left me feeling as though I would never see this place again. Slipping my shades over my tired brown eyes, I rose from my place on the ground, and trudged through the streets, feeling the suspicious eyes of those who may have already gone mad.

I smiled as a thought entered my head.

I had found myself a place of peace and all too soon it's to be destroyed. Oh life’s little wonders.
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Comments always welcome ^.^