America: Blown Up

Don't you just love how there are all of these disaster movies set in the same sort of time period, all in America? The other countries in the world are able to just sit back and relax, while poor America is doing it tough.

Until, that is, a catastrophic ice-age, an alien attack of rogue giant robots, heroes having turf-wars, a horde of zombie-like creatures and much more rampage through the nation of America: all in one week.

This story is narrated by many of the beloved characters from the very movies it is mocking: Charles X-Zavier, Arachnid Man, Robert Deville, Optimus Crime and many, many more.

So can America survive this onslaught, or will this week prove to be the end of America as we know it? Keep reading to find out...

Oh...And I OWN CHARACTERS (they're parodys, so they're mine >:D) AND PLOT.
  1. Prologue: American Memorial Swimming Pool
    From the perspective of Charles X-Zavier. Sit back and relax as he reveals why America would be better off with more swimming pools.
  2. The Day I Turned Villain
    Written from the perspective of ArachnidMan