Status: Just started! I love the story line... you steal you die btw. =D

My Despicable Life Turns Good

What if she steals Andy?...

Jessie thinks Andy is cute. That's great. She's pretty too. What if she steals Andy?
"Hey," Andy said, taking a seat next to me.
"Hi," I said, still lost in thought.
"What's wrong?" Andy asked. Gosh, how does Andy know everything by just looking at my face.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I said, quickly. I looked to my right and saw Jessie (mouth open) straing at Andy.
"Okay," Andy said.

The bell rang, saving me from sitting through more of this class. I got up and started walking to the door. Jessie stopped me and whispered,"You know him?!"
"Yes," I said, looking longingly at the door.
"Oh, my god! You have to introduce me!" She squealed.
"Yeah, later. I have to go." I said, walking to the door. Was Jessie seriously thinking I would let her take Andy? No way.
Shaun ran up to me with a smile,"Hello." He shouted.
"Hi, Shaun." I said, laughing. He must've had sugar.
"Guess what?"
"What?" I said.
"I had sugar!" He said, smiling.
"Not even lunch time, and already high on sugar. Wow." I said. He smiled.
"Oh, my gosh! Cute girl! BYE." He said, running away. I laughed at him, while he made his way to some girl. I walked to my locker and saw Bradie.
"Hey, Andreas." He said, walking towards me.
"Hi, Bradie." I said.
"So, are you and Andy dating yet?" He asked laughing and smiling. I smacked the back of his head.
"No... Not yet." I said, smiling. I opened my locker and got my crap out.
"Hey." Someone said from behind me. I turned around and foung myself face to face with Andy.
"Hi." I said, blushing. I looked behind Andy, and saw Jessie, looking very mad.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally updated=) MY laptop is about to overheat... and my leg is super hot. XD I am sick and i had to stay home from school today=( I have to miss school tomorrow, miss a test, and miss a walkethon thing=( I is sad. My head hurts, my throat hurts, and I am super tired. =( SO make me feel better and comment, subscribe and tell friends=)

Another cheesy ending=)))))