Status: No comments, so I stopped it suddenly. No more chapters because of people's stupidity.

Confessions of an Overweight Teen

Easy Breezy

Alexandra was losing weight again. But it seemed like she was doing it the right way.

"Come on Alexandra, we're gonna be late!" I yelled to her room.

She hastily ran down the stairs. She look incredibly happy and beautiful as always. She passionately kissed my lips and we headed to my car. Today is the first day of school and we are finally dating. I never thought this would actually happen. We were now parked in the school's lot and were about to get out when I grabbed her arm.

"Huh? What's wrong?" she asked.
I looked down at the seat. "A..are you sure you want to do this? It'll ruin your reputation."
"I"m positive." she giggled and squeezed my hand.

We stepped out of the car and began our trek into the building. People stared in awe as we glided through the hallways, hand-in-hand and happier than could be. Apparently everyone already knew we were dating. You know that scene in movies sometimes where people clap randomly? Well that was actually happening. We continued walking and everyone was clapping for us! It was kind of fairytalish, but I'm not complaining. I looked at Alexandra.

"Ally-bear, I love you."
"Dex, I...I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I went from 30 subscribers to 18 because of not updating. Pardon me for having medical issues. Emergency rooms aren't fun. I'm still sick. Also, weather has been rough lately so it shot my router. I got a new one but weather is still pretty bad, which highly weakens my signal. Also, I have school and marching band things. I think I might as well just end the story right here. No comments, no more story, whatever.