Status: Still (and always) brainstorming!

A High School Survival Guide: Freshman Year

Going into senior year, as a senior girl, I am obligated to help the new freshmen coming in(and transfers) find friends and get settled in the dorms (I go to boarding school). As one of our senior pre-school projects, it has been agreed upon unanimously to create a Freshman Year Survival Guide for the incoming class. We're putting together a book of short notes of advice for getting settled with new (or old) friends, getting settled in the dorm, and potentially finding your way around a new town. This is our task, and we plan on making the best of it.

If you want to be an author to help us come up with brilliant ideas for things, just ask. I'll add you without a second thought (as soon as you message me a bit of advice you would add). This is a project not only helpful for my school, but for freshmen anywhere. So if you would like to help brainstorm, just ask. Always looking for more heads to help!