Status: Number 2!

What Life To Live

The Car of My Dreams

Everything it this life now is so futuristic and floating; whether it be floating platforms that take you places within your home, or futuristic floating beds above the floors or sit on the ground by the push of a button, or the cars in the garages. Oh the cars! So fast and flying on the cyber-like highways is so fun to me. I'm 16 and had my license 2 year before now. Just before my mother disappeared... stop that! There is no need to remember then. Then was then, now is now, and now i have to drive to work. That should get my mind off things. I skip the ride on the platform and take the stairs to my bright, orange GTO, my favorite color. (Once in the impound lot before i got the boot off, haha, stupid government. No one even noticed.) I pull out my key chain from my bag. I click the the remote on it and watch the whole thing light up. The front, back and sides are as bright as the old city of New York. With the simple click of a button, the butterfly door lifts slowly and dramatically just for my happiness. I step inside on the floorboard on the drivers side and have a seat down on the soft leather. Pure bliss. This is my me time; just sitting here, inside my car, the morning sunlight just barely rising above the hill across the way, seeping through the small, square garage windows, taking in the smell of everything within the perimeter. Then adrenaline sets in, my gaze straight and with the twist of the key within the ignition, my baby awakens. The rev of the V-8 engine purrs and vibrates my seat. The door ajar next to me closes and even though it is an older metal door, the door ahead opens soundlessly. The car and I become one and with a flattening of my right foot, we speed off toward the barely lit city.
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Sorry... kinda random and i have been watching things bout cars all day