Status: Number 2!

What Life To Live

Warehouse of Horror

I can barely pull up to the rocky surface of the drive in front of the warehouse. The dogs, which I have named Zeus and Butch, come running from the back of the fading building. Zeus is a beautiful Rottweiler and Butch the German Shepard. I step onto a rock off to the side of my door, and before I could steady my balance, I fall to the ground. Luckily and thankfully I haven't fallen on a rock but I could always trust these guys to come and see if I'm okay when I'm down. I pat them on their heads and steady myself on the firm ground. I head up to the wide, unopened garage door to search for my best friend.
I slowly make my way to the side door in which we always enter. It occurs to me now that I have nothing to defend myself with, just in case the kidnapper was armed. 'Too late for that now Emaleigh.' I tell myself and look around for anything to use. I find a pipe, light enough I can throw around and heavy enough to break a skull, by the door. The dogs make no sound as they climb up the hill with me to the back. I'm not ready to go in yet. I need to scout around to make sure there's not " henchmen" or "guards".
"Zeus, Butch, Seek!" I whisper, for if there were anyone near, they couldn't hear. The boys headed around to search for others. I head back to the side door and ready the lead pipe in my right hand. With the left hand I slowly reach for the knob.
Sometimes my eyes can catch the slightest things. I don't know how, but it is always at the perfect times. Like now; as I was reaching the knob the glimmer off the trip wire shined just slightly in my eye, not even enough to set off a notion in your head. I could open the door and have the whole place blow to bits. Or maybe not...
I'll take my chances, after all, this was my best friend I'm talkin' bout. I set my hand on the brass knob and turn it to the right, I don't know why, and push it in. I jump back in the direction of my car for a precaution. Nothing happens. Good. Now if Jaymie were there; well that wouldn't be a good thing to have her die because of me. I didn't think of that. Then it's a good thing nothing happened, for both of our sakes.
I walk back up to the door and peer inside. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No people, weapons, no captive make-shift homes. Just the way me and Jaymie had left it. But there is something wrong here. No normal person would catch it, or a person on normal sound minds. Jaymie and I were rather smart, not to gloat, but we made up this thing were the slightest most boring objects were tip-offs if something were to happen. Objects in here such as a baseball or a tin can or pair of scissors. Each object had a specific meaning, like the tin can meant that they that person was going to collect things, or go to the store before the other got there. The scissors meant that that person was picking up pieces, or at a funeral for someone or something. The baseball meant sports, obviously, or that that person was playing a game. But one idem that meant fear,or harm, the small plastic scythe of the cabinet where no one even thinks of looking for stuff, was gone.
My heart sank to my feet. She had been here. She took the scythe. They were gone. THEY! Whoever "they" are, they will die by my hands. No one else. Those people can watch as he dies. That sick person with my best friend in his trunk will no longer live a life of ease. He will be hunted, and he will catch hold of my wrath. She will be okay; She will life; She is smart. Jaymie can hold out on her own for a while until I get there. I call the dogs, Zues and Butch to my side, and not to my surprise, they didn't find anything. Nothing was here worth reporting. Well other than the fact the scythe was gone. It showed on all of our faces that nothing helpful was here. I dash out of the warehouse in anger and into my car. The butterfly door closes and the dogs and I dash away from the death-hole.
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Ugh... I'm having thoughts so thas how I got this chap. together. Hope u enjoyed so far!