Crime Of Passion

Jasmine Garcia is known for being one of the most beautiful women in Los Angeles, California. But even the prettiest of girls can hold the ugliest of secrets. The life of luxury is put on hold when Jasmine’s ex-husband is released from jail and wants the million dollars he left her with before everything went downhill. Jasmine is in desperate need to get his money back and is willing to do everything in her power to get it before her time is up. Her lies pile up, and her conniving ways are only seconds from being revealed… and in the midst of it all, she finds herself in lust with a man she claimed to have hated since they met. The pressure is on for Jasmine, and soon, all her secrets begin to unfold. The deceit and betrayal she dished out is only inches from catching up to her… will she escape the madness unharmed? Or will this little beauty end up scratched?