Passion Is Love, Money Is Power

........... “Lineage counts first, Wealth a very close second.”...........
Kaiko Takahashi is the prodigy of the business world, having started her business empire when she was only eight and having it become worldwide two years later. Kaiko started with ten thousand English pounds (given to her by her late parents-a small town doctor and a stay-at-home mother- when they passed away when she was three leaving her in the custody of her grandfather.) and with that money she started what is now known as Sushi rocks and Ichiraku, the two most famous restaurants in the world, as well as a top recording company “reaching for the clouds.” With Kaiko returning to Japan after twelve and a half years away she meets the man that changes her motto from “the more you work the more you get paid” to “enjoying the here and now, making money in-between”- Kyouya Ootori.