Status: Occasionally updated. Not too often.

I Can Use Some Guiding Light

This Can't Be Real

(Brian's POV) (December 28, 2009)

“Very funny, Zack. Did Jimmy put you up to this?” I replied, my voice shaky.

Zack told me, bawling, “Dude, I'm not fucking joking and you know it! Just...just come to Matt's house.”

I choked up, “Oh...okay...o-okay dude.”

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket. This can't be real. They have to be pulling some sick fucking prank on me. I didn't let myself cry yet, because there was still a slight chance they were joking. I got into my truck and drove to Matt's house, which was extremely close by. Everyone's car was there, and Zack was sitting outside, smoking a cigarette and looking down. I bit my lip. Shit.

I walked up to him and he looked up at me. His face was red just like his eyes, and tears were still in his eyes and streaming down his cheeks. “Do you really think it's a fucking joke now?” he questioned, more tears escaping his eyes. He looked absolutely horrible.

I looked down, and before I knew it, I was bawling just as he was. I walked inside Matt's house alongside Zack, and all of the guys and their girlfriends were sitting on the couch, sobbing. Except, Leana wasn't here. Wouldn't expect her to be here. She'd probably want to be alone right now, anyways.

Matt looked at me, “Dude...he's...he's really fucking gone.”

I immediately embraced him in a hug, where we both cried our eyes out. “ doesn't fucking make sense. How the hell could this have happened? We saw him yesterday...he was fine.”

“I know...I just...I just don't get it,” Matt responded.

I took a seat beside Johnny, who's arms were wrapped around Lacey, who was crying as well. My eyes met Michelle's who was sitting beside Valary, both crying into each other's arms. This time, unlike the recent times, it wasn't total hate passing between us. Then again, it's times like these when you forget about all of that crap. I sat, my head in my hands and tears streaming down my face.

Jimmy was our best friend. He was the greatest person on the fucking planet. He cared about everyone, and everyone really cared about him, obviously. He didn't need to leave us. Especially not this soon.

This can't be real.

(December 29, 2009)

The second day was just as bad as the first. I woke up feeling like shit, I walked around town feeling like shit, I went to Matt's house feeling like shit, I stayed up all night feeling like shit and went to bed feeling like shit. I couldn't go anywhere without thinking about Jimmy. If only we could've had one more day with more day with our best friend, one more day with our brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
All of the chapters on this story will be short, around this length. But, either way, I hope you will enjoy it. And, I would like to receive feedback on what you think of it.
Comments and stuff always make my day.