So Far Away

Visits Inside and Out

Jimmy walked into the institution, Matt following right behind him. The girl behind the desk glanced up, and froze when she saw them.

“Hello, c-can I help you?” she asked, nervously.

“Yes, we’re here to see our friend Zachary Baker,” Matt said, smiling at her.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Baker is refusing visits.” she said, shuffling through papers.

“Really? That’s not our Zack, he wouldn’t refuse to see people.” Jimmy said, leaning against the desk. The girl’s breathing began to hollow out. She knew exactly who these guys were, and Matt was actually her favorite of them all.

“See, our Zack loves attention,” Matt added. “It would make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside that someone came to see him. So, why don’t you just do us a favor little darling, and tell us the real reason we can’t see him?”

The girl blushed as Matt winked at her, flashing another dimpled smile her way. Jimmy smirked as the girl visibly melted. She looked around to make sure they were truly alone, and leaned forward.

“His doctor informed us he’s to have no visitors until otherwise stated.” she admitted finally. “Normally, with someone with Zack’s case, they allow visitors, but that’s not the case with Mr. Baker, and I don’t know why.”

“They told us in the hospital, they’ll allow two people to see him a week.” Jimmy muttered, looking up at us. “Now they’re changing their minds? That doesn’t sound right.”

“Thank you,” Matt said, nodding at the girl.

“I could get you back there,” she said quickly. “There’s a few people here who’s not allowed visitors, we let people go in and see them anyway, when their doctors aren’t around, and Clemins won’t be in until Saturday.”

“You’ll let us back to see him?” Jimmy asked, shocked. She nodded and reached under the desk. She pulled out a basket, asking them to put all cell phones and sharp objects into it.

“Right this way,” she said, walking through a door. Jimmy and Matt followed her, looking around. Everyone was dressed in pinstripe pajamas and a robe. Slippers covered their feet and gloves covered their hands. She led them down a hallway, to a white padded room. In the middle of the room they saw the bed, strapped to it was Zack. His eyes were closed and he looked as if he was sleeping.

“Mr. Baker, you have visitors.” the girl said, walking up to him.

“Is the restraints necessary?” Matt muttered to her. She nodded glumly at him.

“We have to do this with all our high suicide risks.” Zack’s eyes opened just then and he turned his head to face them.

“Matt, Jimmy, what are you two doing here?” he asked, confusion in his eyes.

“Came to see you buddy,” Jimmy replied, rubbing his hand up and down Zack’s arm. “You gave us quite a fright.”

“I did?”

“You don’t remember us taking you to the hospital?” Matt asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

“Yeah, I remember that, I just don’t get how you could let them take me like that.” Zack muttered, closing his eyes again.

“You need help Zack, you’re hearing a voice in your head, you need it.” Jimmy replied.

“No, fuck it, you just don’t want me around anymore.” Zack refused to look at them. He knew if he did, he would lose it, and they would end up sedating him again.

“Zack, you know that’s not true,” Matt said, walking up to him. “We did all of that to help you, not get rid of you.”

Zack didn’t reply, but he heard the sincerity in their voices.

“They can’t be trusted. They’re just pretending to care for you. They want to make you suffer as much as you can.”

Zack squeezed his eyes shut more, so tightly he was seeing white specks. He didn’t want to believe his friends would lie to his face, but he couldn’t help but feel some of what he is being told is true.

“Zack, you have to believe us when we tell you this.” Jimmy said, squeezing Zack’s arm. “We will never lie to you, we will never get tired of you being around. You’re our brother from another mother dawg.”

Zack nodded, knowing if he could trust anyone, it would be Jimmy.

“You’re times up,” the girl from the front desk said suddenly. Jimmy and Matt nodded at her, and turned to face Zack.

“You have to get rid of this yourself Zacky,” Matt muttered into his ear. “Remember this if you ever have any trouble, your nephew and niece is waiting for you, your parents want you back home. Matt and Zina want you back, so do we. We love you Zack, we don’t want you to be in here anymore than you want to be here.”

“We’ll come back and see you again soon buddy, just, don’t give the doctors hell. Especially this little cutie over here for being so nice to us.” Jimmy winked toward the girl, who blushed and turned her gaze to her shoes. Matt rolled his eyes and pushed Jimmy from the room.

Zack watched them leave, his heart breaking slightly.

“Thank you Mellissa,” he said to the person who brought them back. “Why did you bring them back here?”

“Because we don’t believe in the ‘no visitors’ policy on some patients.” Mellissa admitted. “Especially ones we know will need support from their friends and family.”

“Well, thank you again, it meant a lot to see them again.”

“I know it did,” Mellissa smiled sweetly at him. “We want you better too Mr. Baker, so we do what we can.”

“One favor?” Zack asked, looking over at her.

“What’s that?” Mellissa replied, crossing her arms.

“Call me Zack, or Zacky, or ZV, not Mr. Baker. It makes me think of my father.”

“Okay Zack,” Mellissa said before walking from the room. Zack sighed, thinking over what Jimmy and Matt told him and what he let himself believe. He believed the lie, and he made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t believe it any longer.

Milla was escorted into the recreational room, where there was a television, card games, and other things considered safe for the people in this forsaken place.

“Mill-a Norton?” a nurse asked. Milla rolled her eyes, realizing it was the dim-wit Mellissa.

“It’s pronounced Mi-yah, Milla, you know, like Me llama es Milla Norton.”

“I bed your pardon,” Mellissa replied.

“Get the fuck away!” a male voice was heard down the hall. Mellissa quickly rushed down the hallway to one of the padded rooms.

“It’s Mr. Baker,” she informed a doctor. He nodded and rushed into the room, sedating Zack and putting him to sleep. Milla, who followed the two ignorant people, peeked into the room, only to see a head of dark colored hair. She pouted and went back to the rec room, tossing herself down on a chair.

“I don’t belong in here,” Milla said to Mellissa as the nurse took her post back. “I was just brought here by someone who thought they were a police man.”

“You’re in here because you need to be,” Mellissa replied.

“Who was that Baker guy?” Milla asked, sitting on a chair.

“No one you need to concern yourself with,” Mellissa answered her. Before Milla could ask anymore questions, Mellissa took off to give other patients their medicines. Milla sat for another minute before getting up and walking back down the hallway where Baker was. She walked up to his room, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him.

He was awake, his eyes open and staring at the ceiling. He had the most vivid green eyes she’s ever seen on anyone. His arms was covered with sleeve tattoos, and there was even one behind his ear.

She looked him up and down, noting his hands and wrists were bound to the bed.

“Who are you?” He asked, so suddenly it caused Milla to jump.

“Milla, who are you?” she responded, walking closer to him.

“Zachary, but I go by Zack, Zacky, whatever I guess.” he muttered. “What are you in for?”

“I’m not supposed to be here.” she answered. “There’s nothing wrong with me. Why do they have you tied down?”

“Apparently I’m a danger to myself,” he muttered. “I keep talking suicide and what not, but what people don’t realize is I have way to fucking much to live for.”

“I know what you mean,” Milla muttered, thinking about the little girl back home. Her four year old daughter. She was in an abusive relationship, and just finally attempted to leave him. She packed her things while he was at work, took their daughter, and left. He found her, and in defense, she grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

She didn’t know how many times she stabbed him, but the next thing she did know, she was being arrested and her daughter was torn from her. Milla was brought here while the child was put into foster care.

“You shouldn’t be in here, we’ll both get in trouble,” Zack muttered suddenly.

“C-can I come back, later?” she asked. Zack thought for a long moment. It would be nice to see someone other than the doctors and nurses once in a while, so he nodded.

“Sure, why not.” He replied. She smiled and left the room, her heart fluttering. It was more than apparent to her that Zack wasn’t like other people she’s known. He’s sweet, and he’s accepted what’s happened to him. She respected that, and couldn’t wait to get to know Mr. Zackary Baker better.
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update, so I decided I'm going to make a schedule for when I write, and when I post. I just have to work around school and work, so it should be easy enough. :D
I don't think I had any comments last post, if I did, thank you and sorry for not remembering.
More will be up soon.