Status: Back in action!


Egotistical Gangster

Grace walked down the streets pulling her pea coat closer to her body. The rain fell heavy like her tears. She had enough, she had enough of the waiting, the waiting of her hero to swoop down and save her, enough of the endless beatings, enough of hiding her tears with a razor.
She looked around for a warm dry place to go into. The cold wind whipped her around, a car drove by and splashed a pool of dirty street water on to her coat. She growled in aggravation this was not going well. She walked down the street another block to stop in front of a bar. A drink is what she really needed at this moment.
She walked in feeling the warmth of the vent hit her body instantly. She stood there for a second taking in the feeling into her warm skin. She looked around not many people sitting around in the dim lighted bar, two men sat in the far back, they looked like they were discussing a business deal, A homely looking man sat at the far end at the bar, and a group of 4 guys sat in a booth of to the right. They were laughing and talking amongst themselves. She sat down hoping that the bar tender wouldn’t question her age.
“Hi, what can I do for ya.” The crew cut, grisly looking man asked her. “Green apple martini please” She flashed him a smile.
“Are you old enough? the sweetthang.” He leaned on the counter winking at her. She rolled her eye’s at his comment.
“For one, I’m not a ‘sweetthang’ I am a woman not some one night stand, and” she glanced down at his left hand, “if your going to hit on a girl at least take your ring off. And two if i wasn’t old enough i wouldn’t have walked here in the pouring rain to possibly get rejected from having a drink. Now would i?” The bar tender looked at her.
“One apple martini coming right up.” Grace sat there with a smile on her face as she felt accomplished for the first time that night. The bar tender sat her drink down on the counter. Grace slipped of her coat and took a sip, smiling as the alcohol hit the back of the throat.
She felt a pair of eye’s linger on her. She slightly glanced over her shoulder to see one of the guys at the booth checking her out. She secretly took his look in. He looked tall, had black corn pulled back in a loose pony tail. He didn’t look to bad. She took another sip of her drink.
“Can I get another round,” The corn rowed man leaned over the bar alone with another man who had long black hair.
“hey sexy why you sitting her all by yourself.” He winked at her. The bartender looked at him knowing what was coming up next. She sat her drink down on the table and turned to face him on the bar stool.
“I’m not sexy, I’m a human-being not one of your corner whores, and i’m trying to enjoy my drink with out with out any high strung egotistical gangsters trying to hit on me in a degrading way, do you mind.” she grinned at him. His eye’s went wide.
“I’m sorry for my brothers, em manners miss.” He rolled his eye’s at his brother shaking his head making his black hair sway along with it.
“It’s quite okay. maybe you should teach him some of yours”
“I’ve tried. But hey why don’t we make it up to you, we’ll by you a drink and you can come sit with us?” He offered. she smiled what could be the harm.
“Sure.” she stood up as the black haired guy told the bartender to add a martini, and they walked to the booth.
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I'm not sure if i will continue this. But please let me know if you like it. And lately my layouts haven't been showing the pictures in the layout, it might just be my computer, so if you could tell me if the picture of Tom shows up in the bottom right corner i would really appreciate it.

Oh! this story is based of comments no comments no updates. Even if it's a simple good job, I fucking hated it. I really don't care.