Status: Back in action!


One hell of a night

Grace was having a good time, as she laughed with her new friends, Bill who was the one that invited her over, Gustav, Georg, and Tom the egotistical gagster.
“Well we ought to be going. We have practice tomorrow” Georg stood up and stretched. The all walked towards the door.
“It was a pleasure meeting you Grace. We must do this again.” Gustav said shaking her hand. She was careful her sleeve wouldn’t pull up.
“Yes we should” She smiled. Bill handed his cellphone, “add your number?” She took the phone.
“Just text and let me know who it is.” Everyone but Tom who was in a pout about earlier said their goodbyes. Rain was still pouring as grace started walking towards home. She was glad that this night turned into a fun one. She pulled her coat closer.
“Hey need a ride?” She looked over to see Bill in the passenger side of a black escalade. Grace thought about this. Was it good idea, her mother might see them.
“Um yeah I guess.” She slid in the back of the car. “thank you”
“it’s perfectly fine. We wouldn’t have let you walked in the rain.” Bill smiled.
“we?” Tom mumbled. He was starting to really get on her nerves. Bill hit him in the arm.
“Where do you live?” Bill spoke up.
“The dump,” Tom once mumbled again. He was just on fire tonight.
“No actually I live on Eastmount Dr third house on the right. You know Tom the road down the street from the crack house.” Tom glared in the rear view mirror.
“Yeah didn’t I see you working in the back room there once.” He pulled up to the house. “fuck you, and thank you Bill for convincing your brother to give me a ride.”
She walked up the drive way to the house. She unlocked the door and walked in the living room. On the couch in a bottle of liquor in hand was her mother. Grace grabbed the bottle out of her hand and set it down on the table. She turned around to grab a blanket out of the chest on the fire place.
“Where da fuck where yous” Her mother slurred. She turned around. “arn’tcha gonna answer me you little whore.” Her mother slamed the bottle in to her face.

Tom laid on his bed thinking about Grace. He liked her but didn’t he was so confused on this feeling that he had. He couldn’t stand her but he wanted to be near her. He pushed all his thoughts in the back of his mind.

Grace sat in her bathroom with cold cloth on her side, and a blood stained towel wrapped around her wrist. After the bleeding had stopped she curled up, praying that her hero would show up soon, with her mother yelling and screaming on the other side.