Status: Back in action!


The Suede couch

Grace sat up in bed, she had been awake for the past hour with a migraine. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed burring her face in her knees. She felt like a ton of bricks were squishing her head.
"What's the matter" Tom walked in the room. He had been in the bathroom getting ready before she had woken up.
"I have a headache. A really bad headache" She picked up her head only to put it back down. Tom had turned on the hall way light. Grave heard a click and footsteps come toward her.
"I turned the light off. You can look now." He sat down on the bed, his hand resting on her lower back. Grace picked her head up and leaned forward into Tom.
"The sun's going to be up and there's going to be light coming in. So I'm going to move you" He stood up scooping Grace bridal style. He walked out of the room and down the stairs. He come to the door to the basement. He shifted a little bit to open the door.

Grace peeked to see where Tom was taking her. She had never been in the basement. As he stepped of the landing he turned on the lights. A mic stand a drum set and guitars were off to the side somewhat and against the wall on the far right wall was suede couch. Tom walked over and laid her down softly. He went to the closet and pulled out a blanket and covered her with it.
"It's always dark down here. so you can try and sleep. I'm going to get you some Advil. He walked upstairs and Grace could hear him in the kitchen shuffling around. He came down the stairs with cold water bottle and two gel capsules which Grace took gratefully.
"Do you want me to stay home?" He asked crouching down in front of the couch.

"No no no. Go you have to." He said.

"No i don't. If you need me I can stay." He smoothed the hair on her head.

"No go. I'll be fine."

"OK, But you call me when you wake up and if you need me." Grace yawned a yes. Tom kissed her on the forehead. "Remember call me." But by then Grace was passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't update in forever and i give you a short one. I'M SORRY OKAY!!!!
But I have a couple reasonable explanations.

1) My computer charger officially died and I'm waiting for a new one.
2)Had major writer's block
3)I've been trying to focus on school.

I will try and post ASAP.
Love & Zombies