Status: Just starting.

She Whispers, He Screams

Chapter 2

After Tobi’s news on him being a ‘vampire’, we erupted into a deep conversation, soon evolving in a full out screaming session.

“Vampires aren’t real!”

“Yes they are! I just told you a whole life story and you think I just got it off the top of my mind?!”

“Well, everyone has an imagination.”

“And some also have a huge ego!”

“Are you trying to tell me I’m full of myself?”

“No, the word just generally pops in my mind when I talk to you.”

“You’ve just met me yesterday!”

“And look what a good impression you made on me!”

I huffed; tired of shouting so much. After I had calmed myself down, I crossed my arms, and said, “Prove it.”

He grinned. “Will they care if one of the patients suddenly ‘dies’?” I took note of his veins starting to bulge in his arms and hands.

“Depends really.”

“Tell me a patient. Quickly, I don’t have much time.”

“Courage Snow.”

Tobi immediately vanished, escaping into the hallway. I peeked out my half-opened door, just catching a glimpse of Tobi dragging Courage into her bedroom. After a few banging noises, Tobi came out of her room. Then he vanished. “And there you have it.”

I immediately turned around, hand on my heart. “Dear God. Your next victim will be dead due to a heart attack.”

He grinned and slid his tongue over his fangs which were now disappearing back into his mouth. “Are you going to take the risk of going to see her or are the fangs and blood on my lips enough to prove it?”

“Of course not.” His smile fell. “I’ll be right back, Tobi. Oh, and so you know, so you and I don’t get in trouble, I’ll be the one to scream if I get caught and just say I walked by. So I’m safe either way.” I briskly walked out of the door, noting that no one was in the hallway. Making my way past Courage’s room, I stopped, and knocked on her door; as if I thought she was still alive. Once I realized someone isn’t just going to pop out, I slowly opened the door… Only to slam it instantly.

Courage Snow was slamming against the door with all her strength, covered head-to-toe in blood. She got the door open enough to slip her hand out.

She had me pinned against the door by my throat from the other side.


I was ripped off the door, out of her grasp, and set a good fifteen feet away. Before I could see what was done, Courage Snow’s arm was snaking back inside and she was falling.

You’re very much welcome, Echo.

“I didn’t need your help. I was doing just fine,” I said quietly, cautiously walking towards Courage’s room again.

Yes, that’s how you got away so fast? On your own?

I just ignored my pupils, as known as my protectors; the demons and angels.

Once I shoved the door open again, I saw Courage on the ground, in a pool of her own blood. I observed her and noticed scratches on her legs, stomach, and any exposed skin. It looks like a suicide when we know sure as hell it’s not.
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I know I said this one was going to be longer, but I had to have some kind of cliffhanger :) I swear, I'll try to make the next couple of chapters longer with more events and/or information.