Demonic Possession

I raised my arms above my head as my father brought down the wooden chair on me. The legs cracked off and scattered around me. I could feel the bone bruising.

“Stand up.” He ordered. I stayed still. “I said stand up!”

He gripped my shirt and pulled me up roughly – my feet off the floor. I kept my eyes closed tightly.

“Look at me.” He yelled. I didn’t. He threw me across the room and my back collided with the wall. “When I say look at me I want you to look at me.”

I opened my eyes quickly looked towards my father. He smiled demonically before he left my room – turning the dead bolt. I stayed there, perfectly still for a couple minutes. I slowly got up and made my way slowly towards the computer.

‘Might not be at school tomorrow. I’m feeling a little sick.’ I typed

‘I’ll collect your homework for you and bring it over.’ Shuichi typed back.

‘It’s OK. I’ll just get it when I come back. Got to go, hope your mom gets better soon.’

‘I hope so too, get better soon- good night.’ I signed out, turned the computer off, made my way over to my bed and immediately fell on to it asleep.

Shuichi was the nicest male I’ve ever meet, not to mention my only friend at school. His mother always made him carry an extra bento for me – he didn’t mind.

I awoke to something pumping above me. My father’s friend held his firm cock in his hand and was pumping it away over top of me. This was the last straw. I kicked my leg up, sending him off to the side of the bed. His member instantly deflated. I slammed full force into the window – which was on the first floor luckily. I landed in the glass a couple meters away from the window. My father was yelling his head off. His eyes locked with mine as I steadied my feet. He ran out of my room. I just ran – I didn’t care where, I just had to run. I slid into an alley to hide from my father.

“Come out; come out from where ever you are.” He yelled passing by the crates I was hiding behind. After he left the alley I slowly stood up.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” A calm masculine voice said just before I was struck in the back of the neck and knocked unconscious.

I didn’t regain consciousness until I was sitting in a chair, sipping a cocktail in one of those stadium booths. I couldn’t control my body.

“So who am I killing first today?” I asked tilting my head. I did not talk like that. My voice had a scratchy demonic possession tone to it. Crap. What if I was possessed? No, what am I thinking – of course I couldn’t be.

“The leader of team Yurigotaki. He specializes in water magic so it’ll be easy for you.” A man said standing beside the window. “If you win all of your matches I’ll make you an actually demon like you wanted.”

What the hell was he talking about? I’ve never wanted to be a demon. The only thing that I’ve ever wanted to do was be free of my father. I stood up and made my way to the door.

“Where you going?” The man asked.

“To let this owner take a look at what I did to this scrumptious body of hers.” He chuckled as my body left.

“I’m Koyuki – thanks for letting me borrow this pitiful body of yours.” She said smirking as she made our way down the stairs of the stadium. “You can respond – others just won’t hear it.”

“Where are we and why are we here. Oh – and why did you take over my body of all people?”[i/] I asked. She turned into the washroom and locked the door so we were the only ones in there.

“That’s simple, we’re at the dark tournament and the last team standing – every member gets their own wish. I took your body because it’s the best match the one I had when I was alive. You might be surprised with what I did to your body in the year I had it.” She chuckled. We turned towards the mirror and I let out a gasp. My blonde hair had been dyed in a black stripped pattern. Thick black frames with out lenses stood around my grey eyes. Black leather biker-esque gloves covered my small and dainty hands. A dog collar hung loosely from my neck. My pale scarred skin stood out from contrast against the black bra and onyx short shorts, fishnets placed underneath. She lifted my foot onto the counter and showed off the dark, almost black, red boots.

“What have you done to my body?” I gapped.

“You haven’t seen the best part.” She chuckled.

“Oh god, please tell me you didn’t get a tattoo.”

“I didn’t do that, I pierced our ears though. It’s really cute. But that’s not the best part.”
She pulled our left arm up and tensed it, revealing the muscles.

“I’m ripped! I could’ve used that a while ago.”

“Oh, as a bonus of my using your body all of your memories are now mine and you can look into mine too. So our fight’s going to be up soon. I’m going to kill the leader and you can just stay in there and watch me bloody our hands.”
Koyuki laughed, “So how do you like not controlling your body Misuto?”

“It’s cold, dark, and it’s hard to breath.”
I pouted. Everything looked as if I as watching a TV screen but I was much to close.

“That must be a sight for a demon to see,” She chuckled unlocking the door.

“Demon? Holy shit I am possessed!” I cried slinking farther into the darkness as we exited the washroom.

“You’re not possessed, I’m just borrowing your body and doing what you’ve always wanted to do.”

“So I’m psychotic - and when was that perfect moment?”

“When you sacked the guy and booked it.”


“Your match is next.” A tall, tan man smirked passing up. His sunglasses shielded his eyes.

“Thanks Toguro.” Koyuki said coldly, “I created this entire persona for you.”

“How’d you get to become part of me? Do I have MPD?”
I asked trying to shake her.

“Like I said before, your body is a perfect match for the one that I once had. We looked so much a like when I was alive. No you don’t have MPD.”

We made our way down into the stadium filed where two teams had gathered.

“Our first match is Koyuki Misuto versus the leader of team Yurigotaki, Abu Jenwa!” The three of us stepped into the ring.

“Please tell me you’re not going to fight in my – our body. We aren’t wearing that much fabric.” I pleaded.

“What else am I supposed to do? Have a tea party?” She laughed.

“That would be better.”

“It’ll be great finally getting to fight the great Koyuki Mizuto.” Jenwa smirked.

“Su – it’s Misuto.” I stressed – Koyuki repeated it so he could hear.

“Opps, sorry sexy.”

Something twitched inside me. Something made me want to hurt him, cause him pain far more than a simple punch.

“I’ll let you have the first blow.” She said. We fell back a bit as I took control I stood frozen for a second before I let my hand form into a tight fist and in the same motion I felt it connect to his jaw, hard. I fell forward and lost the only connection I had with my body in a long time. I watched through the clear TV screen as Koyuki killed Jenwa in a matter of seconds.

“That has got to be a record for Koyuki! That massacre only took twenty seconds,” The announcer yelled into her mike. The two of us walked out of the raised ring and into the halls underneath the stadium.

“What a surprise to see you here.” A familiar voice said from the stair case we had just passed.

“That sounded like Shuichi!” I yelled excitedly. But then it struck me. Why would he be here at a demon tournament?

“You must be the Shuichi I’ve heard so much about,” Koyuki smirked, turning to face the red head who was just stepping out of the shadows. His brows furrowed as he heard my voice.

“What have you done with Misuto?” He asked, taking another step towards us.

“She’s still here, listening to our conversation right now too – she says hi.” Koyuki smirked, turning her chin up as we took a step forward.

“What do you want with her?” Shuichi growled, grabbing our upper arm gently.

Koyuki scoffed, “I need her body to get back what was taken from me. I’ll see you in the ring – that is if you don’t lose before then.” She pulled our arm free and continued down the hall to the same stadium box.
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A new story that I will slowly update - I want to make sure that this turns out well so that's kinda why. heh heh.

Peace. Love. Murder. Complicate