Addictions Between Secrecy And Desire.

First Exposures

Davey stared at the silver box in his hands. It’s golden edges were light but reflective. The temptation to open it was just too overwhelming. He had to get out of there, fast.

You’ve been warned. Hand over the envelope or drown in your own damn ignorance.

That monotonous whisper played over in his head, like a busted record player. The same, threatening words always made their way into his thoughts. He reached into his outer coat pocket and took out a sealed envelope. In an impossibly elegant script it read: Invierno de amor.

A small shiver escaped his lips, the cold breath balanced steadily in front of his dark excited eyes. The whole mystery stimulated his actions, irrational but always dramatic. Every clue left behind now started with a plan. A plan to make sense of intimidation. Why it revolved around his life and that envelope.

Davey picked up the box once more and was shocked to see a message clearly engraved on the metallic lid. A moment ago it only mirrored his image, a plain silver lid. Now, somehow, it had changed.

Open when you‘ve decided all hope fails. Logic always wins.

He couldn’t resist a laugh. They expected him to quit that easily? True, the secrecy of the problem lured him into exposure of evidence. But he couldn’t risk it. Not yet.

His fingers forced the lid closed as his eyes shut in a scornful manner. Gradually, he strained to keep his eyes open until they saw the river. He had forgotten he was standing on the oldest bridge in town. At any moment, it could fall. Davey turned to his left and walked off, showing no signs that anything ‘out of the ordinary’ had happened.

“What do you mean he’s not here yet?” Jade took Adam by the arm and whispered harshly, “We’re on in 5 minutes. It’s a fucking private show, you know. He has to be here.” Hunter overheard Jade practically threatening Adam. It wasn’t his fault. Davey was known to disappear at any moment.

“Oh my, God, it’s Davey!” They heard yells coming from the entrance of the café. There might have been only 30 people at the show but shit, it was loud. Adam barely heard him laugh through the crowd. He smiled. Jade always had a way of overrating. It never had any effect to it though. He only provoked his own annoyance.

They head a voice over the loudspeaker, “Show of October 25th, San Diego café. AFI, live!” Their eyes widened in fear. It was time.

Jade nearly tripped over Hunter’s bass to get to his guitar. Adam was panicking, trying to find his second stick. Hunter picked his bass off the floor, almost causing a piercing screech from the speakers. Davey grinned as he looked around him, seeing his fellow band members frightened. He was right in front of his microphone, ready to go. As soon as the lights were switched on, Davey motioned for them to start off with ’Silver And Cold.’

A few girls at the front tables sighed deeply as they heard a soft piano melody begin to play. Soon, they were absorbed into the song as they heard Davey’s overwhelmingly mysterious low voice.

I… I came here by day. But I left here in darkness and found you, found you on the way…
And now, it is silver and silent. It is silver and cold. You in somber resplendence, I hold…

Their fans started screaming along, trying to fit the chorus as well as Davey did. No one pulled it off, and Jade daydreamed. Davey’s voice never ceased to surprise him. It always had the gentle melody to it. It just made Jade smile. He was so deep into his own thoughts that he almost missed their next song. Davey looked back at him and smiled back. This always happened.

Jade felt like blushing.