Status: Completed.



Addison sat staring out of Russell's window seat, it had been a week since the indecent with her friends and Christmas and the whole new year hoo-har was finally over.
Russell sighed and suppressed a grumble as his hangover was still raging.

Russell sat next to Addison, their bodies barely touching.
He passed her an ear bud, which she took and placed in her right ear, he lent into her whispering into her left ear "i can sing this song pretty well, but shh don't tell anyone" Addison laughed and just sits quietly listening.

And don't tell me, I'm afraid of waking up alone
But it's waking up to find you've gone
But you make it clear,
I had my chances
Only one way left to go,
So I'll follow it down

She goes straight,
straight for the deep end
Doesn't hesitate to dive right in
Be careful now,
Be careful now

Addison looked up at Russell "One day..." she trailed off, he looked at her waiting patiently "I want you to sing that song to me" a small smile tugged at her lips.
"and if you don't, I'll attack you and I'm scary when I attack people" she grinned "I doubt you're scary" he teased, she dramatically gasped.
"well if I'm not scary then what the hell am i? some cute little puffy red faced... pumpkin? no, I'm like.. voldemort scary" Russell laughed at her, "oh now I'm sure you're scary" he nuzzled her hair, Addison stared out of the window for a moment thought he kissed her head but blew it off.

Later that night, she couldn't sleep.
"I'll go to sleep when I want" Addison argued with Russell, who just sighed and muttered "Fine" "Since when do you give up so easily?" she asked, turning from the TV "only tonight" Russell crossed his arms standing near the doorway towards the hall, "Any reason why? and with me you'll always have to give up cause I'm rather stubborn when it comes to me and being bossed around" Addison tried to brighten up his mood, it didn't work.
"yeah I'm just sick of people, Ive given up, and I'd much rather get my life on track before i overly worry myself about other things
little things like you not sleeping, you can take care of yourself... right?"
Addison sighed but nodded "I can" "exactly he breathed before sighing and running a hand through his hair.

After Addison got up and dragged him to the couch and covered him up from the cold using a blanket "How are you?" she asked turning off the TV and turning to him, right now it was about him. not her. him.
"I feel..." he trailed off "lost, as gay as that sounds, I'm not down or sad i can actually smile just i.... don't know." Russell sounded exactly as how he was feeling and deep down inside of Addison it was tearing her apart, Addison leaned towards him and kissed his temple "Sleep here tonight, I remember you mentioning the couch is better than your own bed" she whispered against his skin before getting up and smiling warmly at him before pulling up her fallen socks and walking to her room.
♠ ♠ ♠
The deep end by Scary kids scaring kids.

These 'deep meaningful' conversations between these two, will happen a fair bit in the next chapters.