Status: Completed.



"I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning" Addison muttered softly to herself, not sure if Russell would hear her as he lounged across the couch with his ipod blasting through his ears.
"why?" Russell asked closing his eyes humming to himself,
"I have to get up before nine, get ready then wait around for some bus" she explained.
"fuck that, why?" he took out a Ipod ear bud, yet still had his eyes closed.

"Some girls day out or whatever shit Liz was rambling about... wasn't really listening..
I don't really listen to anyone these days; kinda just.. doesn't sink in anymore" she muttered

"yeah i hear that... I felt it the other day, Friday... the anger... pulsing... I was so pissed everything annoyed me" Russell mumbled exhausted, "I get days like that too" Addison wanted to move from her seat but she didn't dare.

Russell suddenly sat up, ripping his ipod from his ears and staring directly at her "you will never feel like this, the anger... the need" he shook his head, his brown hair falling into his eyes "never." he hissed darkly before standing up and slamming the door of his apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wasn't planning on this being so short \: half way through i got writers block, I'm sorry.. i'll try and post something longer later. I have so much going on right now in my head, it sucks.