Status: Completed.



Addison turned her head to the soft quiet voice of her once best-friend, Melissa.
"Lissa" Addison's voice broke, as another set of tears fell, Mel rushed to her side and held her "it's okay" she soothed.

"Whats going on in here?" his voice reached her ears and she froze up in her friends comforting arms, "nothing, Russell... Don't you have to get to work?" Mel asked, Russell mumbled something but Addison didn't catch on or want to hear.
"Why are you crying?" Mel asked as she pulled the blanket over both of them "I... I miss her" Addison muttered, which was half true. She did miss Ruby.
"Oh bub, I miss her too" Melissa tightened her hug around her friend and cried softly herself.

"W-What happened? how did ..." Addison couldn't continue the question as she watched Mel pour two cups of coffee, she knew exactly what she was trying to ask.
"Kieran... he was drunk and driving; she was in the passenger seat trying to not let him drive it hadn't worked and he was falling asleep. Ruby was fast asleep as well, she hadn't even realized. Kieran fell asleep at the wheel and drove off the bridge and into the lake, the impact killed her but not him." Melissa took a shaky breath before continuing...

"She was the one wearing a seat belt, she couldn't get it undone... she struggled, Kieran died for a moment as-well... I believe he came back a harsher and cold man. I'm sure their is some resentment in him but he chooses to ignore it and take it out on everyone.
He has a three year sentence." Addison couldn't do anything but stare at her friend, unable to believe what she just heard.
Her bestfriend, killed her other bestfriend and felt no remose.
"I want to see him, I want to see him and ring his bloody neck!" Addison yelled picking up the plate on the counter and chucking it at the wall, Melissa hugged the sobbing girl before soothing her "doing anything to him, won't bring her back Addi"
"how can you be so calm about this!"
"I've come to deal with it, the remorse, the anger... nothing will ever bring her back."
Addison sighed wiping her cheeks "What the hell happened to us? We used to be so close, Kieran's going to jail, Liz and Marshall can't even look at eachother, Max is a drug addict, you're the only one who hasn't changed."
"Thats not true, I have." Mel muttered ashamed,
"how?" she asked with a frown.

Melissa sighed shakily before pulling up her left sleeve, red cuts, pink scars and burn marks showed upon her pale skin. Addison stared shocked at her friend, before rushing to her side and squeezing her.
Sobs rocked the two friends; as they craddled each-other.
"Do you mind if I stay with you for a while?" Addison asked, playing around with her pasta.
"Sure, why though? Aren't you happy with Russell?"
"I just think we... I... need a break right now; I think I should be with you right now." Addison forced a smile trying to push away the thoughts of the night before out of her mind, as she stared her hand shaking she held it tightly.
"Of course, do you want to pack a bag and stay at mine tonight?" Addison couldn't find her voice so she just nodded before standing from the table and walking towards her room and packing the only clothes and things she owned.

Russell held his head in his hands, What he done to hurt the girl he liked to make her move out? He must have done something to her... hurt her... but for the life of him, his memory wouldn't display the events that went on the night before.
A scream of frustration left his lips as he shook with anger, how was he supposed to control himself when he barely had any control left?
Who was to blame? no one but himself.