Status: Completed.



Russell banged on the door of Melissa's apartment for the third time that night, yes he had been drinking again. yes he was crying. no, he wasn't giving up.
"FOR THE LAST TIME SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU!" Mel shouted from behind the closed door,
"It's been three months. I need to see her." he slurred while hiccuping, his jack daniels bottle slipped from his grasp and landed on the ground, gargling out its contents onto the carpet.

Russell held his face, his back against the wall his butt on the floor.
"Russell, stay where you are" her voice was quiet, nearly guarded.
His head shot towards her, she looked... beautiful; besides her shrunken complexion and how her collar bones juttered out just slightly.
She shook her head, tears welled in her eyes which cut him off and somehow through his drunken haze he knew he shouldn't say anything.
"Russell, I'm not sure if you know what you did to me... but you hurt me."
He didn't move his eyes from hers, besides the random hiccup he was silent.
"You can speak now" she muttered, toying with the hem of her shirt.

Russell rose from his spot on the floor and walked over to her, wanting to comfort her but if she said he had hurt her, it was true. It would be the only thing that would've drove her away.
"What did I do to you?" he asked, leaning so he was eye-level with her suddenly sober.
"You abused me... I told you to stop... you didn't" She darted her green eyes too the floor, unable to stare into his brown eyes any longer.
He held her shoulders and brought her to his chest before hugging her tightly; he felt her tense up.

Russell cried into her hair; he couldn't control his emotions and to think he had hurt her, drove her away... that pained him.
"I'm so sorry" he whispered kissing her forehead, Addison froze up again before softly pushing him back.
"I know you are now, but I'm still going to be living with Mel... I can't..." Addison trailed off shaking her head, Russell nodded understandingly.
"I'll see you around, sometime?" he picked up his half empty bottle of jacks and walked down the hall swaying slightly, Addison watched him go and sighed before walking back into the apartment.