Status: Completed.


Epilogue; Part one.

Five years later...

His brown eyes glinted with insanity which raged like blazing fire that was finally free after so many years of being caged.
"Told you I was scary" his smirk was as chilling as his words.
Places flashed behind her half closed lids, Paris; London; America; Rome; India...
"Told you I wasn't scared" she weakly whispered, gulping hard her dyed copper hair falling in-front of her now closed eyes.
Her heart slowed as her breathing came in wheezes, she barely felt the red liquid running down the back of her neck, she didn't see the man she loved curled up in the corner crying and muttering things way to fast for the human ears to understand.


Addison awoke to a machine beeping at her side, a drip in her hand and a bandaged head.
"W-W" she couldn't speak, something was blocking her airways.
"Hold on dear" a warm voice said, soothingly, it was a nurse... she was calling for the doctor, Addison gagged at the feeling of the tube getting taken out of her throat.
"I must say, you're our calmest patient while getting their tube removed." the doctor smiled, yet she didn't feel like returning it to him, she felt really groggy and she had no memory as to why she was here in the first place.

"You must be wondering why you're in here... You were one of our bad cases of domestic violence."
Addison stared blandly at the woman who said her name was Kira Burns and she was a guidance councilor, it had been three weeks since she had woken up and she still had no memory of what happened.
"Violence?" Addison asked innocently
"I must report you have no memory of the attack Russell Blackburn did to you, I must say it'll be a said case when we have no physical evidence that won't lock him away forever." Kira sighed before rising from her seat
"Case? What case? Russell? Are you saying he did this to me? He would never lay a finger on me... he-he gave up drinking, we lived together for five years!" Addison ignored the insane beeping at her side and flew off her blankets to stand up and nearly collapsed to the floor if someone hadn't caught her.

"Miss Bailey, please get back into the bed." the voice wasn't of her savior, "Come on Ads" their voice was rough and soft, she grabbed their shoulders and used them to get herself back into bed.
"I'm weak... why?" she asked confused staring at the doctor
"The scans show that you have a rare brain condition, that you've always had it but it was trigged by your attack, the back of your skull was cracked open putting pressure of the back of your brain... where the condition originally first starts, but in your case the main problem is with your vision. I'm afraid if all is well with your recovery you will eventually go blind."
Addison swallowed "What does that to do with my strength?"
"You've been in a coma for the last three months, Miss Bailey, of course it'll take some time for you to heal and get your full strength back."

A small knock pulled her away from day-dream, a small smile reached her lips as her eyes felt heavy but she wouldn't surrender to sleep just yet.
"Hey" she breathed, "I can come another time... if it's too much for you" he whipped a few strands of blonde hair out of his brown eyes which were filled with worry.
"No, come sit.. please." she smiled taking in all his facial features, she finally came to the term that she would eventually go blind...
"Are you okay?" he asked, shifting a pillow around so he was comfortable.
"Could you come lay next to me? I just want to take a closer look at you... you don't have too, I just don't want to forget your handsome face" Addison couldn't control the blush rushing to her cheeks, he smiled and walked over to her bed and did as she asked, he laid by her knowing she was soaking in every aspect of his physical being.

"What's this scar from?" Addison run her finger over the light pink coloured line across his jaw-bone.
"I got into a fight with Kieran a few years back... I'm the reason he's still in prison; it was on his parole and we were fighting and I just had enough of him so I threw the first punch but of course he's a psychopath and decides to glass my face, he's got another two years with good standing and stuff."
Addison turned his face so he wasn't making eye contact with her and kissed the scar, "I'm so sorry Marshall, for everything..."
Marshall laughed softly
"Don't be sorry about anything Ads, it's not your fault. It's mine... I shouldn't of done half the things in my life... I shouldn't of made Elizabeth move half way across the world because she can't stand the sight of me, it hurts her... I never realized it, but it hurt her to see me love you. I was too oblivious to her feelings at the time; I thought she just wanted me as some fuck buddy, I was all for that of course but as soon as it got to serious..." Addison grasped his hand and squeezed tightly
"I... I wanted you, but you were with Russell and I knew you loved... still do love him. I don't know what you see in him Addison, I don't think anyone ever did but you always see the best in people"

Addison smiled, despite the tears rolling down her face and neck.
"I should of known..." she whispered
"Please don't cry, we were teenagers, it was forever ago... it was when everyone was happy... please don't cry" Marshall put all his weight on his elbows and awkwardly wiped away her fallen tears "how can I not? When I was hurting you" she blew her nose but laughed at herself.
"How's Max?" Marshall saw the hope fill her eyes and he nearly regretted telling her but she wanted to know
"Max is in rehab, for the fifth time this month... I'm surprised he still has his marbles, he's a drug addict."
"Is it my fault?" the question slipped out of her mouth without her realizing.
"No, Addison May Bailey, don't ever blame yourself for someone Else's choice it is never your fault that Max choose to become what he is, nor is it your fault that Kieran killed Ruby or that Russell did to you what he did."
"I can still blame myself for one thing though" she bit her lip
"don't blame yourself for thinking you hurt me... you didn't. I'm still here aren't I? I'm still your best friend, you never hurt me, I did all the hurting, I didn't tell you my true feelings at the right time"
Addison pressed her lips to his palm but still she couldn't get rid of the guilt in her gut.

A nurse cleared her throat "Excuse me sir, Visiting hours are over. I suggest you say goodbye to your girlfriend and leave quickly"
Both friends laughed before parting with a hug, but before Marshall could step out of the room Addison had two things to ask of him.
"Could you bring me Mel? I lost contact with her a few years back..." Marshall agreed to that but he didn't agree to bringing Russell to her, even though she had questions which really needed answering.

Addison shivered feeling the goosebumps form all over herself.
"Helllo?" she called out, which after a moment echoed.
"Miss me dear sister?" a boy of about twelve looked up at her, her heart started thumping furiously against her chest.
"What are you doing here? I..." Addison shook her head, watching as the boy grew taller into a man with blonde hair and those pale eyes;
"Wh-what..." Addison just decided to give up.
"About time you shut up Addison..." the boy in front of her smiled before he had a gun in his hand and rose it to his temple and pulled.

She jolted up screaming, a nurse and doctor came rushing in "What is it Miss Bailey?" they both asked repeatedly but she wouldn't answer... only say "I need Russell Blackburn" before her eyes rolled back into her head and fell back onto her bed.
The doctor was puzzled, she didn't have a seizure or anything after her eyes rolled back into her head, she just seemed to be sleeping like a baby her pupils and everything were fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want to keep writing, so I'm splitting it in twos.