Status: Completed.



Kieran stared at his reflection in the mirror, clenching his jaw before punching it. Shatters of glass went everywhere, his nearly healed hand sizzled with pain. He ignored it before walking through the bathroom and into his room, grabbing a piece of white fabric and tightly wrapping it around his bleeding hand.

"W-What did you do?" Max asked worried from the door, Kieran looked up and shrugged "it doesn't matter." he answered coldly, Max wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "It always matters when it comes to you" he muttered against Kieran's back. Kieran shrugged from Max's touch like it burned him.
"we need to talk" Kieran muttered "no, we need to get you to the nurse" Max frowned, Kieran ran his uninjured hand through his hair trying to make it look neat.
"No, I don't need to see anyone. Max. We need to talk" Kieran's voice was so hard and cold, Max froze and stared at him.

Biting his lip Max whispered "What?" Kieran pinching the bridge of his nose "I-I can't... don't... we need a break" he sighed as if in defeat "you-you're breaking up with me?" Max's voice broke and it broke Kieran's heart but he kept the ice expression and tone in tact. "yes" it pained him to see Max's brown eyes fill with tears, but he kept telling himself it was for the best.
Max stared at him a moment longer before turning and leaving he knew it wouldn't do any good to argue with him - once Kieran had his mind set on something they're was no way to change it.

Elizabeth took the drag from Jake and inhaled feeling the world shift below her she giggled. Jake slung an arm around her while kissing her neck, another set of giggled left her lips before pushing him away, he didn't budge and kept kissing her. Elizabeth took the drag from his fingers before inhaling again, Jake's hands resting on her waist with a tight grip yet she didn't feel afraid.

Melissa looked up from her books; her phone was buzzing on the table across from her.
She sighed and picked it up "hello?" she answered exhausted, rubbing her eyes.
her heartbeat hammered "What do you mean?" she slammed her book shut and grabbed her coat before running out of her dorm and off campus.

Ruby, Marshall, Max and Kieran all got the same call.

"How could this have happened?" Marshall projected into the small hospital room, staring down at the white bed in which held one of his best friends - tubes and machines were all around her.
"Alcohol and Cocaine levels are high in her blood - we strongly believe it's a drug over dose" The nurse replied, everyone stood frozen - holding their breath.
"w-we knew she was into drugs but it was only dope... not stronger stuff" Ruby muttered, Mel cuddled her.

Kieran looked guilty towards Kieran who just ignored his glaze and Marshal just stared coldly at Elizabeth's pale face "Who brought her in?" he asked, crossing his arms tightly.
"A boy, he said his name was Jake" she replied looking over her chart "Jake... Dale?" Kieran asked with a clenched jaw, the nurse pressed her lips together and nodded. "I believe so" her pager went off "I'm sorry - I have to get this. Press the wall button if you need assistance" before she rushed off.

Ruby broke down crying "w-we're falling apart - how could this happen to us? First Addi... now Liz, What's happening?" she blubbered "shut up! nothings happening to us!" Kieran yelled angrily "Are you blind!" Marshall resorted back "Of course something is happening to us, of course we are falling apart... I don't know why but we aren't the same" he muttered running a hand through his hair.
"D-does anyone want coffee?" Max squeaked from his chair in which he was curled up in, everyone nodded their heads and fell silent.
He stood up - his joints popped into place before he walked slowly slumped structure out of the room.

"W-Why?" Marshall gripped Elizabeth's hand, she had pale bruise like markings under her eyes "because she didn't want to face reality" someone answered from the other side of the room, Marshall looked up to see the lean figure of Jake Dale.
He tore his hand from hers and ran towards Jake, grabbing his shirt in tight fists and pushed him against the wall "you fucking took advantage of her!" he growled, Jake laughed bitterly "I didn't. I have a heart, she wanted it" his dark blue eyes brightened. Marshall glared at his older brother "you can't have her" he threatened "why? because she wants you. she's always wanted you, little bro. you're just too blind to see it, you were always chasing the crazy ones" he winked before shoving Marshall away.

"You better thank me because if I hadn't brought her in she would be dead" he stated before walking out of the room.
Marshall cradled his body rocking slightly, dry sobs were coming from him.
Ruby was right they were all falling apart.
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