Status: Completed.



It was near Christmas when Addison finally let Russell look after her.
"h-how's everyone?" she asked squeakily as he ran his hand through her shampoo swamped hair.
"Better" he replied sternly.

Elizabeth was on watch and Kieran was in Juvi for getting into fights and numerous accounts of assault and shoplifting.
Addison shivered, she hugged herself tighter - hiding any clue that she was naked in front of him - but he hadn't looked anywhere but her face, like he respected her.
"We need to get you better" he muttered while rinsing out the shampoo.

Addison watched as Russell flipped over a page, sighing.
Suddenly he slammed the book and threw it across the room; it thumped against the wall once before sliding down and making a thud against the ground.
"I'm so bored" Russell huffed out air "why don't you just sit there and be bored" Addison answered teasing, he sent her a serious tight facial expression which sent his lips into one straight line "if I did that... my insanity would kick in" he ran a hand through his hair wincing as his stitches got caught for a mili second in his tangled hair.

"Then let it; it's not so bad" Addison flashed a small smile his way, "Trust me, I would probably end up murdering someone, my insanity isn't hearing or seeing things like you... it's rage. Anger just sits and dwells in me flares up. I go properly insane. Murderously insane."
Addison stared blankly at Russell, shivers were running up and down her spine, her arm and neck hairs were on end... but she couldn't find an ounce of fear in her; no matter how hard she tried.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its short.