Status: Completed.



A few hours later Russell got called into Doctor Scott's office,
"Sup doc?" he answered chirpy, doctor Scott chuckled before all amusement washed from his face replaced with a serious look in his blue eyes.
"I believe its safe enough for Miss Bailey to spend Christmas with family and friends, if you would like to escort her in a weeks time..." Russell frowned, was she really ready?

Would she be able to handle the truth of how her once beloved friends we're now nothing but remains of destruction they left behind?

Russell pressed his lips together "She will stay with me - I've finished school" the lie easily slipped through his lips, Doctor Scott nodded once before Russell got up and left.

Marshall stared at the blond girl laying beside him, her bare chest rose and fell with her soft breathing. He sat up, the sheet fell from him laying loosely in his lap. He ran his hands through his already messy hair - how was it he couldn't get Addison out of his head?
Even after trying everything - even after getting into bed with others.
She was still there, she still had his heart.

Ruby scanned the empty hall-way of her house.
It was Christmas holidays, yet she was terrified of her own home, the one place she was supposed to feel safe.
Her nose wrinkled at the strong stench of alcohol which crept up on her, drunken slurry laughter sounded behind her.

She span around - her eyes met the image of her stepfather, "your a dumb slut" his insults didn't hurt as he grabbed her shirt and at the tearing of the fabric she didn't flinch.
It was when his fist came down upon her face did she start crying - it was useless fighting against him when he was angry she would never win.

Melissa looked down at the whiskey before raising the glass to her lips and gulping it down. "You might want to steady it down there girly" the middle aged woman who was bartending muttered. Melissa just glowered at the woman before taking another whiskey glass and stumbling away.
She stumbled across a pack of whistling men - all in her direction. She giggled effortlessly - "Want to dance?" one of them asked, standing up.

She stared at him, checking him out - he looked nice. Brown leather jacket, pale washed out jeans, honey blonde hair which was held back in a small pony tail from the lights from the dancefloor she could tell he had green eyes with flecks of gold but she didn't care for looks.
They're bodies were grinding and close bumping against the sweaty bodies of strangers, "want to get out of here?" the stanger shouted in her ear, she nodded against the crook of his neck.

Max stared at his pale green wall, his brow sweat filled and running down the sides of his face. The cold attacked his bare chest, he looked down at his self - how could he keep going on like this?
He ran a finger over his cut up wrist, he felt Chris's fingers running up his spine the bed shifted under his weight "what's the matter?" his voice was husky, Max turned to face his fling.
Shaking his head while pushing Chris's brown hair out his eyes "its nothing" his voice was soft but tight, Chris's brow furrowed as he wiped away the sweat on Max's forehead.
"Are you sure, you can handle the drugs?" the question left silence in the air but Max just nodded before getting out of the twisted sheets.
"It's 3 in the morning, Max" Chris mumbled yawning, Max looked down at the boy and shrugged "I need to go for a shower - to wake up from this nightmare" he muttered before grabbing a pair of fresh boxers and a shirt from the pile of clothes on the floor and walked into the bathroom.

Addison stared at the one brown bag which was zipped up on her bed - was she ready to face the world again, even after all the troubles it had caused her?
♠ ♠ ♠
hopefully its good...