Status: slowly re-writing.

Absolutely Ruined

I Feel Your Pain

Instead of going straight to hell, I drove around aimlessly. Before I knew it, four hours had come and gone. I was shocked. Was I in such a daze while driving? I could have gotten into an accident. Then where would I be? Stuck in the hospital, still dealing with my situation of being adopted. How could I be so careless?

My phone had more than 20 missed calls and even more text messages. No doubt from all of them, my so-called family. I turned my phone off without even looking at any of them. All their worry and concern would just make me even more mad. Dad will probably be angry about me finding out and ruining whatever it is they were talking about yesterday. Frankly, I didn't give a fuck anymore. I love my family, but that shit hurt to find out I've been lied to my whole life.

I didn't want to drive around anymore knowing that I had been spacing out that whole time. So I made a quick stop at a gas station, since I managed to use up all the gas in my car in that time frame. After filling up the tank, I left searching for someplace calm to think. I didn't want to do anything I'd regret while I was still angry.

Driving around to the complete opposite side of town I lived on, I managed to find an empty park. It had a little playground, so I sat on one of the swings. Why couldn't I have a normal life? Being adopted just makes things that much more difficult to deal with. By now Matt is sure to have told Mom and Dad, which means Caleb and all his friends will know too. Nothing is simple anymore. I guess I'm stuck with no other option then having to deal with what's happening.

There's no point in me rushing home now. They're all bound know I know by now; so it's not going to be any less awkward to talk about. I just hope I don't have to talk about all this around Caleb's friends too. No, I need to push all this from my mind for now. All I can do for now is try to calm myself down, and just focus on the now part.

I sat there on the swing, not even bothering to put the effort in pushing myself. It's already getting pretty dark out now. I must have looked like some freak just sitting here on the swing for hours on end, not doing a goddamn thing either. My phone is still in my car too, so I can't even check the time. Fuck, sometimes I'm so stupid.

"Hi. What you doing out here so late?" A deep voice asked making me jump off the swing to look around. My heart was beating so fucking fast, and I still couldn't see the owner of the voice.
"Over here." He chuckled. I looked behind me in the direction it came from. There sitting on a bench was one of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen in my life. He had a cigarette in his mouth too. I've seen some pretty hot guys in my life, and he is definitely top three. Unfortunately for me, Alister is in the top three as well.
"Oh, I didn't even realize anyone else was out here. I should probably get going now." I mumbled, once I got over my shock.
"You don't wanna talk? You look like you were thinking pretty hard before I interrupted." He smiled softly. Hey, what harm can come from this? It's not like we know each other. I need to talk to someone just to take the pressure off of my shoulders. Even if for just a small period.
"Well?" He chuckled once more. Probably get a kick out of the weird faces I always tend to make while thinking. I didn't even know I made faces while thinking until Caleb and Alister recorded me one day. They got the beating of their life after that because they sent it to all of their friends.
"Sure." I said hesitantly, walking slowly over to the bench.
"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. I just thought I'd offer. I know how much it helps to talk to someone when you're confused," He said. "By the way, my names Jaedon."
"Thanks. I'm Bella." I mumbled shaking his hand.
"So what's bothering you hun?" Jaedon smirked. There's something different about this guy. Maybe I should just tell him about my problems, not like I'm ever going to see the guy again after tonight.
"Oh, well. Umm, I kinda found out I'm adopted yesterday. I'm not even supposed to know either." I said slowly. When I looked back up at him, he looked sad. He was just staring ahead with a pained expression on his face. Suddenly he just looked furious. It kind of scared me.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." I mumbled, and started to get up. Before I took more than two steps his hand was on my arm. He didn't grab it, he just put it on mine.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to space out like that. It's just I know exactly what you're going through."
"You do? How?" I asked, confused.
"I was adopted too." He said quitely.

"How did you find out?" I asked.
"They told me. I didn't take the news so well though. I haven't spoken to them since they told me. Which was two years ago now." He replied.
"I'm sorry." I grumbled. Well now I know why he had that pained look on his face. He knows what it's like to find out the people that you thought were your family, weren't. They were just a bunch of people all in on a lie to keep something important from you your whole life.
"It's okay. You on the other don't sound to dandy on the fact that you're adopted. How did you find out? If you don't mind me asking."
"Yesterday my parents had company over, and instructed they were not to be disturbed for anything. All my friends are out of town for now, so I was stuck at home with nothing to do. I started to wander through our house, and I passed by the room my parents were in. I heard them say something like, "What if she finds out." Then my mom was like, "She can't find out. She'd be devastated." And I am. The my dad said, "Isabella can't find out she's adopted. It would ruin everything." I didn't listen to anything else, because all I could think was, "I'm adopted." Now here I am. Stuck sitting here thinking about how I'm going to tell them I know." I muttered the last part.
"Whoa, that's fucked up. What's so important that you can't know about this? You got some fucked up parents." Jaedon scoffed.
"Tell me about it. And just when I thought things were finally normal for once." I groaned.
"What do you mean for once?" Jaedon asked.
"Oh, nothing. Forget I said that."
"Okay then." Jaedon said hesitatnly, then chuckled to himself.

We just sat there in silence for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence though, it was comfortable. I liked it, and him already. He knew what it felt like to find out you were adopted. Maybe not the same way I found out, but he kind of knew what I was going through.
"I guess I should probably go home now. Thanks for talking with me." I mumbled, while slowly standing.
"No problem. Look if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always call me." He offered, smiling softly at me.
"Uhh, sure. I'd like that." I said, giving him my phone to put his number in. He handed me his phone at the same time so I could put my number in his.
"Thanks. Maybe I'll see you around more." He chuckled at my shy smile.
"Yeah maybe you will. Bye." I waved as I walked away.

Well the good news about today was I made a new friend. Now to go back home and deal with this insane mess of a life I have. I probably made it all worse by taking off like I did too. Fuck! I'm already back to stressing out again. I have to just start thinking straight. Think before I act. Perhaps things won't be so bad afterall.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I haven't spell checked this shit out. Perhaps I will later, but enjoy for now.. :D
Also, maybe tell me what you think of it so far.. I'm not sure how great it is anymore. I haven't written in quite a few months. Anywho, comment or message me please!!