Status: slowly re-writing.

Absolutely Ruined

Dealing With This Mess

I drove back the slowest I could without actually stopping. It took me almost a whole hour to drive from one end of the city to the other. My phone was still off, so I wasn't bothered by it while I was driving. I suppose now that I'm home I should turn it back on. Everyone is probably beyond worried and freaked out over me. Don't see why they would be though.

As my phone slowly turned from black to bright white while it turned on, I pulled into our long ass driveway. Almost instantaneously message after message came flooding into my phone. All the beeping was driving me insane already. Once it shut up, I looked at my phone as I parked. 57 fucking messages! Dude, what the fuck! That wasn't even including all the voicemails I had either, which was a whopping 21. They can't have been that worried, especially since I was just the adopted child of the family. Fuck, I don't want to be here anymore. Maybe I'll be able to sneak into the house unnoticed. I highly doubt it though.

"Where have you been miss?" My mother shrieked the moment I opened the front door. Typical freak out from her, I was expecting this.
"Out." I mumbled.
"Well we are having a family meeting right now Isabella. Don't think your getting out of it either." My father stated sternly. Great, just fucking great.
"Don't think you can just come in here disrespecting us after you had as worried all day long. We don't deserve that, and I think you need to hear us out before you start running away from the problem without talking to us first." My dad said, clearly trying not to yell since he had to stop a few times to take some calming breaths throughout that rant.
"Fine, let's go talk." I sighed. I really don't see what they have to tell me that can make this situation any better.

As my parents called the boys from the living room, I heard other people talking in there. What the hell? Who would they have over at this hour, when they're about to have a "family meeting" and know that I'm not a quiet person when I'm mad. Stupid.
"Is there someone else here?" I asked Caleb quietly as we followed our parents. Or should I be saying his parents now? I really don't know what to do anymore.
"Uhh, yeah." He hesitated.
"What's going on?" I asked louder, so everyone would hear me.
"Just get in the room, and we'll explain everything Isabella." Dad said through gritted teeth, gesturing for us to enter the room they brought us to.

Honestly, this is really getting on my nerves now and I just want to get it over with. I really wish I had stayed longer talking to Jaedon.

"So, what do you guys want to tell me?" I started off, and quite awkwardly too might I add. We had all just been standing around there staring at each other. It was just putting me in a more aggravated state than before.
"We were thinking you could tell us what you know so far." My mother said slowly, trying to use the right wording. It was definitely not right though.
"What do you mean so far? You mean there's more than me just being adopted and I wasn't supposed to find out. EVER!!" I yelled, clearly beyond pissed at this point. Caleb and Matt looked like they would rather be somewhere else than here. I wouldn't want to be here either if I was them.
"Calm down sweet pea."
"No! I will not fucking calm down. What else have you been hiding from me?!"
"Watch the language young lady. You still live under our roof, your still our daughter and I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour." My dad boomed. It hurt my ears so much. I have never heard him yelled that loud ever! He's mad. Good, maybe he'll see what I'm feeling right about now.
"I will not watch my fucking language! What else don't I know? I have a fucking right if it concerns me." I hollered back. Caleb looked like he was ready to bolt out of the room for back-up, since things were already heating up pretty fast. If it get any worse than it is right now, it might turn into a full out war between dad and I.

"Just tell me the truth already. Am I really adopted?" I asked, trying to calm down now. It's not making things any easier for all of us if we just scream and yell at one another.
"Yes you are, but it's far more complicated than that Bella." My mom tried explaining.
"Can I please just have some time alone? I really can't deal with all this right now. If you tell me something else, I just might go crazy." I sighed, almost breaking down in tears but resisting the temptation.
"I really think you should hear what else they have to tell you Sabe." Caleb explained. What else could they possible tell me that's worse than this?
"Fine." I huffed, turning back to face them all.
"Don't freak out when we tell you this, please?" My father pleaded, making me roll my eyes at his attempt of making this slightly easier.
"You're arranged to be married as soon as you turn 18." Mom blurted out right after.

Hearing my mother's voice say those awful words was the last thing I remember.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters out today!! woo, i'm awesome! Didn't think I'd be able to do it. So, here you are. I have no clue when I'll have the next two chapters out though, cause I'm still in the process of writing them.
Thanks. x)