Status: new jalex story

Bitter Sweet Love

The Taste Of Your Lips.

Jack was sat on the sofa in the back lounge of the tour bus he could see Alex wondering in the kitchen wearing only his boxer’s. Jack closed his eyes just to regain his thoughts and back to the movie he had seen a billion times over and over; it wasn’t long till Jack was distracted again by Rian coming in and sitting next to him, Jack rolled his eyes wishing he could just sit and watch his favourite movie in peace. ‘We have sound check in an hour’ Rian said with a grin on his face.

‘Hmm’ Jack replied with less enthusiasm ‘what’s wrong?’ Rian asked as he noticed that Jack wasn’t his normal self he knew that Jack would be more excited about sound check just as much as he was. ‘nothing just have something on my mind that’s all’ Jack replied stopping the movie he had been watching and turning off the TV and going towards his bunk bed grabbing his things.


Sound check

At sound check Jack was off he wasn’t playing how he used to he kept getting cords wrong even thought he’d played the song’s many times before but his mind just wasn’t with it he watched Alex all though sound check and even Zack noticed that Jack was not on form tonight. During a ten minute break Jack made his way to the side of the stage and grabbed a bottle of water and drank half the content that was in the bottle the cold liquid soothed his dry throat Jack let out a sigh as Alex came and put his arm around Jack’s shoulder’s making Jack shudder with just that one touch.

‘Dude what wrong you been playing like shit’ Alex said ‘nothing I’m fine’ jack replied as he looked at Alex in his eyes Jack stared long into Alex’s eyes and Alex did the same with jack. They both felt something when they looked at each other; Jack leaned forward both their foreheads now touching as Jack let out a ragged breath; as Jack let out that breath his lips softly touched Alex’s lips. After a while Jack broke the kiss and turned to run back to the bus but before he could Alex pulled him back in and kissed him again. All those thoughts Jack had about Alex came back he didn’t even know if Alex felt the same way but it clearly did when Alex pulled him back for that second kiss. After the ten minute break Jack was back on stage playing like a pro Alex was his crazy self and they all had fun during sound check.

After sound check Jack made his way back to the bus he couldn’t help but smile at what happened between him and Alex during the ten minute break they had at sound check. Jack went to the bathroom locking the door behind him and turning on the shower. He waited for it to heat up as he striped his clothes of that hung tightly to his skinny frame. He stepped into the shower and the hot water hit his sink. After a fifteen minute shower Jack got out and dried himself off with his towel. He made his way towards his bunk bed and said goodnight to the guys as they were all ready in their beds. Just as Jack got comfy in his comforter; Jack soon nodded off and he was soon dreaming.
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so this is my first jalex story and I'd like you guys to tell me what you think I shall be updateing my Jasey Rae story soon and same with Therapy story too please comment on this story subscribe tell me what you guys think